Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/229

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 205 of his grandchildren now live. In 1795, Samuel Barlow set- tled in that neighborhood. During 1794, '95, and '96, settle- ments commenced along the western line of the town border- ing on Hamden, by Patterson, Terry, Holmes, Barnes, and others, and from these points the settlements gradually spread into the westerly and southerly portions of the town. We have been favored by a valuable correspondent, and an esteemed friend, with the following authentic account of a cat- amount-killing in Andes, a long time ago, that makes Old Put.'s" adventure seem a small affair, more especially, when we recollect that the Andes catamount, like catamounts in general, was a fearless and ferocious animal — while Putnam's wolf, like all other wolves, was a cowardly and sheepish fellow. The panther had made great ravages, and a party of young men resolved to kill him. Daniel H. Burr, brother of Isaac and Cyrus, and the first supervisor of the town of Andes, Moses Earl, since painfully associated with the Andes tragedy, and one Samuel Jackson, now deceased, were of the party. Early one morning the animal was followed by his well known track, from the scene of one of his usual nightly raids, to his den, which was located in the mountain, about one mile from Clark's factory. The dogs were sent in, but refused to proceed nearer than about twelve feet, at which point the den, or rather narrow clift in the rock, turned obliquely to the left, and all that lay beyond was shrouded in complete darkness. The savage beast finding himself disturbed in his chosen re- treat, sent forth, at intervals, loud and angry growls. All efforts to dislodge him having proved unavailing, Samuel Jackson resolved to enter the den, and shoot him there. After having loaded his rifle, and permitted his anxious friends to tie a rope to one of his legs, that might be used, if necessity required, in hastening his exit, he entered the cavern. A lighted candle, thrust into the opening of a split stick, gave just light enough to make the surrounding darkness visible, '18