Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/251

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 227 " At the close of the first sermon, ten or fifteen persons came forward as if impelled by the Spirit, and seated themselves near me, with countenances marked with great anxiety. The first that answered my questions, said with a big tear upon her cheek, that she could scarcely refrain from approaching me till the ser- mon was closed. Soon many were in tears. I appointed a lecture in the evening, and spent the intervening time till I rose to lecture in conversing and weeping with about twenty persons ; and after lecture, till late in the evening, the people appeared unwilling to leave the house. Three days afterward I returned to this place, and after preaching eight times and visiting families, found about thirty persons under conviction, and left three or four of these enjoying hopes of pardon through Christ." In taking a cursory review of the territory over which he has passed, the pioneer missionary thus refers : " The region through which your missionary was directed to pass, is widely desolate. Two out of the five counties he explored, are almost wholly des- titute of Presbyterian preaching. A great part of Delaware county seldom enjoys preaching of any kind. Those living on the Delaware and its branches are famishing for the Word. Having submitted to you this brief sketch of my labours, and the missionary field before you, allow me to drop a few sugges- tions relative to the direction and future prosperity of your society and its missionaries. " The strength of your institution depends much on the zeal and energy of your officers. Let such as possess these qualifica- tions be selected ; and let them and the members be continually exhorted to unremitted exertion, remembering Him that denied himself even to the very death for our sakes, " Let females also bear offices, particularly that of a committee to enlist new members, solicit donations of the rich, inspirit the society, and to visit and instruct the poor and ignorant. Select young and active missionaries, and assign them stations or limits within which to itinerate.