Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/252

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228 HISTORY OF "As such stations, I would take the liberty of selecting — 1st. Meredith and its vicinity, together with the desolate region of Charlotte. — 2d. A circuit including the city, Deposit village, the Forks of the Delaware, and a part of Colchester, demanding immediate aid. — 3rd. A district of country including Middletown, Koxbury, and perhaps Delhi, with settlements adjacent. — 4th. Without pointing out any particular station of it, I shall mention all Sullivan county, as a missionary field, containing three Presbyterian churches, which would probably nearly support a missionary. " The towns of Sidney, Bainbridge, Masonville, &c., should be frequently visited by your missionaries. " I would advise that the people you design to supply, be instructed to assist in supporting your missionaries, and that they be encouraged to expect preaching in proportion to the pecuniary- aid they furnish. " Let further attempts be made to form more societies in other counties. Great exertions and more ample funds are necessary to supply that portion of the district already specified. " You perceive, friends and brethern, you have merely entered upon the threshold of a great work. Let me urge you to pres.? forward zealously and resolutely in the cause of humanity and religion, on the plan you have adopted. Having put your hand.^ to the plough, after the example and injunction of our gloriourf pattern, never think of looking back." Up to the introduction of this system of missionary preachint^, the moral resources of the county were of the most indefinite character. Indeed, as appears from the extract of the above repor t, in many localities the inhabitants had not had preaching for years. Society, under such depraved and improper influence.}^ presented but one vast gulf of moral degradation. And at this late day, when we are permitted to draw so favourable a con - parison — the past in contradistinction with the present — how grateful a tribute ought we to ascribe to the pioneers of our