Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/363

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 839 to milk a cow, wlien four savages suddenly sprang upon her, and dragged her to the woods. Her cries were heard, her frantic friends could see her struggles, but dared not venture out, as all the men who were able, had left a few days pre- vious for the northern army, among whom were her father, two brothers, and a young officer, to whom she was engaged to be married in a short time. Her mother was overwhelmed with grief, and gave up her child as lost. She fancied her expir- ing beneath the ruthless hand of the barbarians, perhaps writh- ing under the agonies of a slow fire, surrounded by demons in human shape, drowning her cries with their savage j^ells. No other heart beat higher or warmer for woman, than did that of Murphy, Like a knight of chivalry he darted of£ in pursuit. It was then ten o'clock ; four hours had elapsed since the capture. He soon found the trail, and advanced rapidly. About five o'clock, when on the top of a bold hill, he discovered the party in the valley below. The fair captive was still alive, but ex- pected that night would close her career forever. Her antici- pated happiness had faded away; she thought an awful fate was about to seal her doom. She said in her heart, farewell father, mother, brother, lover, friends, resigned herself to God, and became abstracted from the world. The images of her fond parents, her dear brothers, and of him, with whose soul hers had sweetly mingled, all passed in review before her imagination. She could only hope to meet them in heaven. The encampment for the night was soon arranged by the red men, during which. Murphy approached as near as pru- dence would admit, before the mantle of night should cover him, determined that if they attempted any violence to the young lady, he would immediately rush upon them. With an eagle eye he watched every motion. They built a large fire, prepared their last supper, and about ten o'clock tied the hands and feet of their prisoner to two poles, and were soon in a pro- found sleep. For a few minutes she struggled, but soon found