Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/364

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840 HISTORY OP slie was nnalile to extricate herself. Her bosom heaved with sighS; her eyes rolled wildly in their sockets; she seemed already on the torturing rack. Our knight was so near, he could see all this hy the light of the fire. It was too much for him to endure. He drew his knife from its scabbard, and ad- vanced with slow and cautious steps. He was soon discovered by the young lady, and motioned her to keep silence. He unbound and removed her and the guns to some distance, and enjoined her to keep silent, and if he became overpowered, to flee for her life ; for he had determined to kill his hated foes, or perish in the attempt. With his tomahawk in one hand, and his knife in the other, he returned. Waiting a few mo- ments for their sleep to become more sound, he approached their muscular frames. He plunged his knife into the hearts of three, — the fourth awoke, aimed a blow at Murphy with his tomahawk, which he parried, and cleft the head of the savage to the brain. As the Indian arose, the heroic girl, instead of making her escape, seized a gun and rushed to the aid of her deliverer. But the work was done, and the heroic knight stood contemplating with a species of maniac delight, the quivering bodies, expiring in the agonies of death. The liberated captive now gazed on the stranger. To her, all was inexplicable mystery. In a few words he explained the whola matter, and assured her of his protection back to her habita- tion. She lifted her hands and eyes to heaven and exclaimed, " May Grod reward my benefactor V A flood of tears choked further utterance, she clasped his hands in gratitude, and in- voked her Grod to command the richest blessings of heaven to rest upon him. That was the happiest moment of Murphy's life. His pleasure was purer and nobler, than if he had gained a crown or conquered a world. The Eubicon passed, he took the blankets, which had not been unpacked, and persuaded his fair charge to take a little rest, which she much needed, after the trying scenes she had