Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/448

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424 APPENDIX. by facing to the right about, forsaking their bad practices ; becoming peaceable, unoffending, and useful citizens ! And then they may rest assured, neither the laws, nor those who put them in force, will hurt so much as a hair of their heads. To evil-doers only, are the laws and the civil magistrates a terror. And if any mischief-makers, or peace-breakers, infesting our neighborhood, not having the fear of Grod before their eyes, but moved by the instigation of the devil, be they who they will, whether inhabitants, stragglers, or loiterers about among us, shall be discovered, by any of us, plotting or conspiring or purposing mischief, toward any of us, in our persons, repu- tation, or estates ; we pledge ourselves to each other, to give the earliest possible warning to those against whom such mis- chief shall be meditated ; to the intent, that it may be pre- vented ; engaging moreover, that we, ourselves, will also endeavor, as far as in us lies, to prevent it; and, whenever unable to prevent, will unite in approving and encouraging every just and legal measure, to bring the perpetrators to condign punishment, assuring to all, who shall be active in bringing culprits to justice, our united aid, countenance and thanks. And if there be a man who shall unite with us, in this sacred, social league, by affixing his name hereto ; and who shall, notwithstanding, be so far lost to honor, and all else of man, that's worthy of a man, as to disregard and trample on the rights and duties he hereby engages to respect and fulfil; — over him too, will we, the residue of us, have our united and individual watch ; and, unless he forsake the evil of his ways, and evidence a better life by better conduct, — toward him too, will we extend our reprehension and our best endeavors that he be brought either to reformation, or to condign punishment ! Every person affixing his name hereto, shall thenceforth,