Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/449

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APPENDIX. 425 till he either withdraw his name, or remove out of Meredith, be taken to belong to this league; and shall be considered under the sacred obligations of honor, as well as of honesty and good conscience, to endeavor to fulfil the engagements hereby taken upon himself : Accounting the same no other than those obvious and urgent duties, which find at once their injunction and their justification, in that golden rule of him who spake as never man spake : Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them.'^ But if any person shall at any time wish to withdraw his name, and be no longer considered as belonging to this league, he may do it at pleasure, on applying to him who for the time being, may be keeper hereof, and erasing his name. Any person affixing his name hereto, and residing within half a mile of the centre of the town, may be keeper hereof; with the privilege to all others, who may subscribe, of free access to and perusal thereof. Meredith, March 6th, 1810. LIST OP SUBSCRIBERS. Cyrenus Stilson, Benjamin Sears, Elias Griswold, Abner Pratt, Amos Bristol, Isaiah Jackson, Joseph Porter, William Bonton, Josiah D. Wells, Edward Jones, Joseph Bassett, Samuel A. Law, Samuel Moody, Nathaniel Mitchell, Josiah Brown, Nathan Stilson, Simon Baldwin, Sylvester Rich, Pyam Mitchell, William Cramer, Mathew Wiard, Andrew Bill, Eleazer Wright, Jr. Is. Burr, Simeon P. Griswold, Daniel Smith, Ezra Thornton, Elisha Bisbee, Simeon Crane, Adam Saunders, Samuel Shaw, Samuel Cottrell,