Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 10.djvu/10

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V { CONTENTS. PAGE Unwillingness of Elizabeth to consent to his Execution 5 1 Extreme Danger of her Position .. 53 Mary Stuart attempts to work upon her . . . . 56 Relaxation of Mary Stuart's Confinement . . . . 58 Characteristic Letter to Elizabeth . . . . 60 The Civil War in Scotland . . . . 63 Elizabeth will not interfere . . . . . . 64 Semper Eadem . . . . . . . . . . 66 "Battle of Lepanto . . . . . . 67 Conference at Edinburgh Castle . . - . . . 68 Proposals for a Compromise ... . . . . 69 The Earl of Northumberland is given up to England by Douglas of Lochleven . . . . 7 1 Explosion of Catholic Fanaticism in Paris . . . . 75 The Alcnfon Marriage .,. . . . . . . 76 Elizabeth uncertain as usual . . . . . . 78 Treaty between England and France . . , . 81 Meeting of Parliament . . . . . . 82 Proposed Bill of Attainder against Mary Stuart . . 83 The Bishops memorialize the Queen for her Execution 85 Deputation from the two Houses . . . . . . 88 The Queen refuses to consent . . . . . . 90 Execution of the Duke of Norfolk . . . . . . 92 Bill to cut off Mary Stuart from the Succession . . 94 The Alen9on Marriage . . . . . . 95 The Privateers are ordered to leave the Channel . . 99 Capture of Brille . . . . . . 100 General Insurrection in Holland and Ireland . . 102 Count Louis with the Huguenots takes Moiis . . 102 Huguenot ascendency at the French Court . . 104 English Volunteers cross to Holland . . . . 106 The AleiiQon Marriage . . . . . . 106 Charles requests Elizabeth to join him in a War against Spain for the Liberation of the Low Countries 108 Elizabeth secretly offers to betray Flushing to Alva . . no