Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 10.djvu/9

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CONTENTS OF VOLUME X. CHAPTER LYII. THE DUKE OF NORFOLK. PAGE Preparations for Insurrection in England . . . . 4 Suspicion cast upon the Duke of Norfolk . . . . 5 Norfolk recommitted to the Tower . . . . 8 His Secretaries are tortured . . . . . . 9 The Ridolfi Secret is discovered . . , . . . 10 Arrest of the Catholic Leaders . . . . . . 1 1 The Bishop of Ross makes a full Confession . . 15 Alva declines to move further .'. . . . . 18 The French Marriage . . . . . . ..19 The Due d'Alen9on is proposed instead of Anjou . . 20 Dangerous trifling . . . . . . ..21 Resolution to try the Duke of Norfolk for High Treason 25 The Spanish Ambassador is ordered to leave England . . 26 Conspiracy of Berney and Mather . . . . . . 28 Intended Murder of Cecil . . . . . . 31 Arrest s of the Conspirators . . . . . . 32 The Catholic Refugees once more address Philip . . 36 Philip, under Alva's influence, will not help them > . 37 Preparations for Norfolk's Trial . . . . ~. . 38 Publication of Buchanan's ' Detectio ' . . 40 The Duke at the Bar . . . . . . . . 42 He is found Guilty and sentenced to die . . . . 48