Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/219

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1570.] THE RISING OF THE NORTH. 205 The strife of faction was hushed in the great grief which fell on all in whom generous feeling was not Ye Baselik and Jonet flouris, Ye Gerofleis so sweet : And Violatis hap you with schouris Of hailstaines, snaw, and sleit. Thow grene Roismary hyde thy held, Schaw not thy fair blew blumis : In signe of dule lat na grene blaid On Lowraine grow or brwmis. Ye fruitfull treis produce na frute : And ye fair Hois treis widder : In earth ye sweit flouris take na rute, But wallow altogidder. Cum Nettilis, thornie breiris and rew, With all fouli filthie weid, Now plant yow quhair their sweit flouris grew And place yow in their steid. Ye pleasant byrdis lat be your sang, Your mirth in murning turne, And tak the Turtill yow amang To leirne yow how to murne. Thow luifsum Lark and gay Goldspink, Thow mirthfull Nychtingaill, Lat be your heuinly notes and think His deith for to bewaill. Ye pleasand Paun and Papingaw, Cast off your blyithlyke cullour, And tak the feddrum of the Craw In signe of wo and dolour. Now burne thyself, Phoenix fair, Not to reuive againe, That we may him to thee compair, Quhais lyke dois not remaine. Thow Pelican, prepare thy beik And grinde it scharpe and lang, To peirs our breistis that we may seik How to reuenge this wrang.