Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/220

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205 REIGN OF ELIZABETH. [CH. 53. utterly extinguished. Those who had been loudest in their outcries against him were shamed by his loss into forgetfulness of their petty grievances, and desired only to revenge a crime which had a second time brought dishonour upon their country. A party of Hamiltons appeared in Edinburgh the day after the murder, ex- All birdis and beistis, all hillis and holtis, All greinis and plesand treis, All Lambis and Kiddis, all Caluis and Colts, Absent yow from men's eyis. Ye gleds and howlets, rauins and rulds, Ye Crawis and Corbels blak, Thair gutts mot be among your cluikis That did this bludy fact. Ye instruments of euerie sort, That gaif to mankynde plesure, Now turne your melodie and sport In murning and displesure. Ye Sone and Mone, and Planetis sevin, Ye glystring starris brieht, All ye celestiale hoste of heuin Absconce yow from mens sicht. Ye Yeiris and monethis, dayis and houris, Your naturall course withdraw, In Somer time be winter schouris, Sleit, hailstaines, frost and snaw. For why, sum men dois trauell now To turne all upsyde downe, And als to seik the /naner how To reif the King his crowue. "We had ane Prince of gude renoun, Thai Justice did desyre, Aganis quhome the Hammiltoun Did traterously conspyre. Q,uha schot him of the Bischoppis staii In Lythgow thair Londoun, To bru'ik this byworde euer mair Fy, Trutour Hanmiiltoun