Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/533

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i$7i-3 THE R2DOLF2 CONSPIRACY. 51$ mice and favour of the King. The Articles are sent to the ambassador, with orders also for the money to be paid to me by him, for the enterprise to proceed with all diligence. Their pretence is, that my powers should join with the Duke of Alva's powers, which he doth secretly provide in Flanders, as well as with the powers which cometh with the Duke of Medina out of Spain, and so altogether to invade this realm and set up the Queen of Scots. They have practised with us for the burning of her Majesty's ships, therefore there would be some good care had of them, but not as it may appear that anything is discovered as your Lordship's consideration can well provide. ' The King hath sent a ruby of good price to the Qaeen of Scots, with letters also, which in my judg- ment were good to be delivered. The letters be of no importance, but his message by word is to comfort her and say that he hath now none other care but to place her in her own. It were good also that the ambassador did make a request unto your Lordship that Fitzwilliam may have aceess to the Queen of Scots, to render thanks for the delivery of the prisoners which are now at liberty. It will be a very good colour for your Lord- ship to confer with him more largely. I have sent your Lordship the copy of my pardon from the King of Spain, in the very order and manner I have it. The Duke of Medina and the Duke of Alva hath every of them one of the same pardons more amplified to present unto me, though this be large enough, with my great titles and honours from the King, from which