Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/534

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5 20 REIGN OF ELIZABETH. [CH. 56. God deliver me. I send your Lordship also the copy of my letter from the Duke of Feria, in the very manner as it was written, with his wife's and son's hand in the end. 1 Their practices be very mischievous, and they be never idle, but God, I hope, will confound them, and turn their devices upon their own necks. I will put my business in some order, and give my at- tendance upon her Majesty, to do her that service that by your Lordship shall be thought most convenient in this case. I am not tedious with your Lordship, be- cause Fitzwilliam cometh himself, and I mind not to be long after him, and thus I trouble your Lordship no further. ' Your Lordship's most faithfully to my power, ' JOHN HAWKINS.' 2 The letter came opportunely, for Cecil, September. J as will presently be seen, had by this time the few remaining threads in his hand which would ravel out the whole conspiracy. Very' hateful such proceedings may seem to some readers, as if it were better that a Government should perish than to be driven to maintain itself by treachery. Elizabeth won the game, and therefore the faults on her side appear gratuitously wicked. We fancy that she might have succeeded as easily by fairer means, while the like doings on the other side are passed over in a general sentiment of compassion for the losing cause. Yet 1 Not found. 'i Domestic MSS. Jtolls Home.