Page:History of England (Macaulay) Vol 3.djvu/12

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State of Edinburgh 232
The Question of an Union between England and Scotland raised 233
Wish of the English Low Churchmen to preserve Episcopacy in Scotland 237
Opinions of William about Church Government in Scotland 238
Comparative Strength of Religious Parties in Scotland 240
Letter from William to the Scotch Convention; William's Instructions to his Agents in Scotland 241
The Dalrymples 242
Melville 245
James's Agents in Scotland: Dundee; Balcarras 246
Meeting of the Convention 249
Hamilton elected President 250
Committee of Elections; Edinburgh Castle summoned 251
Dundee threatened by the Covenanters 252
Letter from James to the Convention 254
Effect of James's Letter 255
Flight of Dundee 256
Tumultuous Sitting of the Convention 257
A Committee appointed to frame a Plan of Government 259
Resolutions proposed by the Committee 261
William and Mary proclaimed; The Claim of Right; Abolition of Episcopacy 262
Torture 264
William and Mary accept the Crown of Scotland 266
Discontent of the Covenanters 267
Ministerial Arrangements in Scotland; Hamilton; Crawford 269
The Dalrymples; Lockhart; Montgomery; Melville 270
Carstairs; The Club formed; Annandale; Ross 271
Hume; Fletcher of Saltoun 272
War breaks out in the Highlands; State of the Highlands 274
Peculiar Nature of Jacobitism in the Highlands 285
Jealousy of the Ascendency of the Campbells 288
The Stewarts and Macnaghtens; The Macleans 290
The Camerons; Lochiel 291
The Macdonalds 294
Feud between the Macdonalds and Mackintoshes; Inverness 294
Inverness threatened by Macdonald of Keppoch 296
Dundee appears in Keppoch's Camp 297