Page:History of England (Macaulay) Vol 3.djvu/13

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Insurrection of the Clans hostile to the Campbells 300
Tarbet's Advice to the Government 302
Indecisive Campaign in the Highlands 303
Military Character of the Highlanders 304
Quarrels in the Highland Army 309
Dundee applies to James for assistance; The War in the Highlands suspended 311
Scruples of the Covenanters about taking Arms for King William 312
The Cameronian Regiment raised 313
Edinburgh Castle surrenders 314
Session of Parliament at Edinburgh; Ascendency of the Club 315
Troubles in Athol 319
The war breaks out again in the Highlands 321
Death of Dundee 328
Retreat of Mackay 329
Effect of the battle of Killiecraukie; The Scottish Parliament adjourned 331
The Highland Army reinforced 334
Skirmish at Saint Johnston's 338
Disorders in the Highland Army 337
Mackay's Advice disregarded by the Scotch Ministers; The Cameronians stationed at Dunkeld 338
The Highlanders attack the Cameronians and are repulsed 339
Dissolution of the Highland Army 341
Intrigues of the Club; State of the Lowlands 342
Disputes in the English Parliament; The Attainder of Russell reversed 343
Other Attainders reversed; Case of Samuel Johnson 346
Case of Devonshire; Case of Gates 347
Bill of Rights 355
Disputes about a Bill of Indemnity 358
Last Days of Jeffreys 360
The Whigs dissatisfied with the King 364
Intemperance of Howe; Attack on Caermarthen 366
Attack on Halifax 367
Preparations for a Campaign in Ireland 371