Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1000

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862 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 1905. Mr. Schafer is a Republican in his polities and has served four years as town supervisor, has been chairman for the past three years, and clerk of school district 23 for fourteen years. He is a director in the Hay Creek Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany. The family attend the German Lutheran church. Howard M. Scovell, president of the First National Bank of Goodhue, is a native of Minnesota, born at St. Charles. Winona county, April 22, 1861, son of Harris and Sarah (Owens) Scovell. natives of New York state. The father conducted a foundry and milling enterprise and was also interested in various other busi- ness affairs. He sold out and came west in 1856, locating at St. Charles, this state, where he was proprietor of a hotel five years, He then sold out and located a1 Waseca county. Minnesota, where he was also proprietor of a hoi el and general store. His hotel was destroyed by fire, so, selling his general store, he removed to Murray county, this state, where he procured a number of acres of land. This he broke and cultivated, following a diversi- fied line of farming until his death, in 1895. Everything was then sold and Mrs. Scovell took np her home with her son, while she died in 1899. Howard M. received his education in the public school, after which he took up farming with his father until twenty-one years of age. lie then became operator and station agent for the Omaha & Northwestern railroad, which work lie followed until 1883, when failing health compelled him to resign. Returning to his farm, he remained there two and one-half years, after which he resumed his work as railroad station agent, holding this position two years. In 1897 he entered the banking business as cashier for Dunlap Brothers' hank, at Leadyard, Iowa, which changed hands and became known as the First City bank. In July, 1900, Mr. Scovell was elected vice- president of the City Bank at Goodhue. F. W. Spencer was president and C. A. Arpke was cashier. At the reorganization in 1905 Mr. Scovell was elected president, which position he now Jiolds. Mr. Scovell was married October 26, 1889, to Matilda J. Bunnworth, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Monahan) Buhnworth, of Elmore. Her father, a native of New York, was as veteran of the Civil War. He served in Company D, New York Light Artillery, and was badly wounded. After his dis- charge he came west and carried on general farming until his death. His wife is still living at Elmore, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Scovell have five children: Marion, born in July, 1891; Myrtle, born in July, 1894; Frances, born in March, 1896; Esther, born in November, 1902; Archer B., born in November, 1906. Marion in 1909 graduated from the Red Wing high school, Myrtle grad- uated from the public school in Goodhue in 1909, and Frances in 1908, while Esther and Archer are at home. The family attend