Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/999

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNT'S 86.1 Gilford township. Wabasha county, all of which is under cultiva- tion. He raises Percheron horses and fine stock, including full- blood and short-horn Durham cattle. In November, 1871, Mr. Martens was married to Anna C. Schmidt, daughter of Hans and .Mary (Fitch) Schmidt, natives of Germany, who came to America in 1865 and located in Belvidere township, where they purchased land and carried on general farming until the death of the father in 1893. The mother is still living at Red Wing. Mr. and Mrs. Martens have had thirteen children : Mary, married to Dick Burfiend, now of Washington; John, a granite worker at Lake City; Margaret, married to Henry Reinke, of Belvidere; Katie, married to Adolph Amundson, of Belvidere; Johanna, married to Henry Siewert, of Gilford, Wabasha county; Edward S., now of Montana; Henry, who lives near Goodhue; Frank, Emma, Bernard, Charles. AV. and Lawrence, who are at home, and Dick, who died in infancy. In his political views Mr. Martens is a Republican. He has been director of school district 33 for seven years and is a stockholder in the Farmers' Elevator of Goodhue, in which township he also owns other property. He and his family art 1 members of the German Lutheran church, of which he has been a trustee for thirteen years. Anton Schafer, Belvidere township, was born in Hay Creek township January 27, 1868, son of John and Gertrude (Strom- berg) Schafer, natives of Germany, who came to America July 26, 1866, and settled in Hay Creek, where they rented eighty acres of land and carried on farming for a period of five years. In 1871 they purchased 160 acres in Belvidere township. A part of this land was improved and had a log house on it. The father continued to improve the place, built a home, barn and other necessary buildings, and added more land from time to time, until he owned at the time of his death 600 acres, of which 160 acres are in Wabasha county. He retired from active life in 1895 and died November 11, 1905. The mother is still living on the homestead, at the age of seventy-six years. Anton Schafer re- 1 ceived his education in the public schools of Hay Creek and worked on the farm at home until 1896, when he came into possession of 240 acres of improved land, and has since carried on general farming and stock raising. February 2, 1898, he was married to Margaret Meyer, daughter of John and Katie (Bur- fiend) Meyer, the father a native of Germany and the mother of America. The father came to America August 6, 1868, and was employed at farm work in Belvidere township six years. In 1874 he purchased 160 acres in the same township and carried on a diversified line of farming. He is now retired and lives in Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Schafer have two children : Arthur J., born September 12. 19(H), and Vincent A., born September 14,