Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1047

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HISTORY OF GOODffl i: * 01 vrv 905 Daniel J. Mix. now residing on section 29, Feathersl town- ship, where he owns and operates 160 acres of farm Land, was born in Genesee county, New York, October 22, 1854, a son of Daniel and Sophia Park Mix, who moved to Woodson county, Neosho Falls, Kansas, when Daniel J. was bu1 a few weeks old, and there ended their days, the father at the age of eighty-two and the mother at the age of fifty years, Daniel J. received his education in the public schools, the district where he attended having I a organized by his father. It was taught by his older sister, she being the firsl teacher in that district. After leaving school, Daniel J. continued to work on the home farm until 1875, when he came to Red Wing, and for fifteen years was engaged in running a threshing machine. He spenl the nex1 four years in operating a portable sawmill in Pierce county, Wisconsin, and then purchased his present farm, where he has made many improvements in the way of buildings and equipment, lie does genera] farming and raises stock to some extent. Mr. Mix is a. Republican in politics and has been a just ice of the peace for many years. He was married, December 24. 1883, to Clara Anderson, daughter of Nels and .Justine Anderson, horn in Sweden, the native home of her parents, in 1S63. The family came to America in 1867 when Airs. Mix was a small girl, stayed in Pennsylvania for n short time and then located in Boone county, Iowa, where the mother died. Subsequently the father came to Pierce county. Wisconsin, and farmed for about fifteen years before his death. Mrs. Mix received a common school education in the schools of Iowa and Wisconsin. To Mr. and Mrs. Mix have been born three children, all of whom first saw the light of day in Featherstone township. Frank Jay assists his father at home. George Park goes to the Red Wing schools, and Raymond Lorenzo is a pupil in the district schools. Mr. and Mrs. Mix attend the Methodist Episcopal church in the town of Featherstone. James Brennen. of Welch township, was born in Lowell, Mass., December 4, 1853. son of Thomas and Winnifred (McDermott) Brennen, who came to Minnesota in 1857 and located in Dakota county for a short time, then removed to Washington county, where they remained until 1867, after which they came to Goodhue county and located in Welch township, where they pur- chased 160 acres of land, which the father cleared and improved, built a home, barn and other outbuildings, the lumber for which they hauled from Hastings. They carried on general farming and stock raising, until the death of the father March 13, 1876. The mother died May 25, 1883. There were four children in the Brennen home : Timothy of Rice county ; Thomas of Welch : Ellen, and James the subject of this sketch. James received his education in the common schools and worked on the farm with