Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1048

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906 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY his father and later purchased the farm, where he has since made improvements and carries on general farming and stock raising. He was married in 1876 to Mary McDermott. daughter of Michael and Ann (Brennen) McDermott, the father being one of the oldest settlers in the state. He came in 1849 and settled in Dakota county where he farmed until his death. Mr. and Mrs. Brennen were blessed with nine children: Mary. Anna, Teressa, Ellen, Jane, Loretta, Seraphine, Thomas and Florence. Mr. Brennen is Democratic in his political views and has been a member of the town board for the past ten years, also clerk, treasurer and director of school district No. 114 for two terms John M. Olson was born in Welch township, where he still resides. November 22. L881, son of Andrew and Hannah Olson, natives of Sweden who came to the United States in the early days, and settled in Yasa township, where they purchased land and remained until the late seventies, when they bought 160 acres in section 29 and engaged in farming until the death of the father in 1899. The mother still lives a1 home. After the death of the father, the sons took charge of the farm and have carried on general farming, and also selling considerable cream to the Welch creamery in which they are stock holders. .J. M. and his brother made all the improvements on the farm and buildings. There were six children in the Olson home: Charles, now of South Dakota; Oscar of Cannon Falls; Anton: Victor, a civil engineer; Luther of Kansas City, employed by the Armour packing plant as assistant meal inspector; and J. M., the subject of this sketch. Charles Black, was born in Welch township, where he still resides, July 21, 1869, son of Archibald and Elizabeth (Mul- holland) Black, natives of Ireland. They lived in Scotland until they came to this country, in 1 808. when they located in Welch township and bought land which they improved and carried on general farming until the death of the father in 1889. The mother died in 1906. They had a family of nine children: Archibald. Charles. Mary, James, Elizabeth, William, Richard, Annie and Sarah. Charles received his education in the public schools of the township, and since 1900 has farmed on the home place of 160 acres with his brothers and sisters. He also buys and ships all kinds of live stock. He was married in 1907, to Hattie May Gipford, daughter of Julius and Ilattie Teichman Gipford, of Red Wing. They have one son, Donald Mulholland. Mr. Black is a Republican in politics and has held the office of supervisor of Welch township for the past five years. Frank Boothroyd was born on the farm where he now resides in Welch township, on October 8, 1866, son of William and Mary (Be vers) Boothroyd, natives of England, who came to the United