Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1081

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 933 America in 1859, located in Crawford county, Wisconsin, and engaged in farming until 1882, when they sold the farm, came to Wanamingo township and purchased a farm in section 23, following general farming up to the time of the father's death. The mother still lives in Wanamingo village. John G. received his education in Crawford county. After leaving school he took up farming, and in 1882 came with his parents to Wanamingo township. In 1889 he purchased a farm in section 35, upon which he built a home and all other buildings necessary and where he has since followed general farming. Mr. Olstad was married July 2, 1889, to Bertha Lawson, daughter of Andrew H. -and ( 'atrina (Egeland) Lawson, natives of Norway, who came to America and settled in Y;niamingo township, engaging in general farming. The mother died October 4, 1908, but the father is still living.* Mr. and Mrs. Olstad have had eight children: Elmer, Clara, Nellie, Gilbert, Charles, William, Leroy«and Ida, all living at home. Mr. Olstad is a Republican. He and his family attend the Lutheran church. Theodore T. Rygh was born in Wanamingo township on the farm Avhere he now lives, March 13, 1873, son of Torger and Rachel Rygh, natives of Norway. Torger came to America with his parents in 1845, locating in Chicago, where they lived until 1856, when they came to Wanamingo and pre-empted 160 acres of land in section 15. He received his education in Wanamingo and worked on the farm with his father until the latter 's death, when he came into possession of the farm. He made many im- provements, erected buildings and followed general farming until 1905. when he went to Traill county, North Dakota, where he owns 160 acres of land and where he now resides. The mother. Rachel, died in 1887. Theodore received his education in the common schools and at the Augsborg Seminary, at Minneapolis. In 1904 he took charge of the old homestead in Wanamingo town- ship and has since followed general farming and dairying. Mr. Rygh was married September 5, 1901, to Mary Holtan, daughter of Hans Holtan. To this union have been born four children : Rachel, born April 2, 1902 ; Hans, born July 16, 1903 ; Ramer, born January 21, 1905 (decease'd) ; and Leah, born February 8, 1908. Mr. Rygh is an independent voter, and was at one time clerk of school board for district 60. He is also a stockholder in the Farmers' Elevator at AA 7 anamingo. The family attend the Lu- theran church. Joseph J. Swenson was born in Wanamingo township on the farm where he now resides May 1, 1872, son of John and Anna Swenson, natives of Norway, who came to America and located in Illinois, later coming to AVanamingo township, where they purchased a farm consisting of 160 acres, subsequently adding