Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1082

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934 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY more land until they had a farm of 302 acres in sections 5 and 8. Upon this land the father built a home for his family and other building's necessary for his stock and followed general farming until his death, April 25, 1902. The mother still lives in Kenyon. Joseph received his education in the public schools of Wanamingo and worked on the farm with his father up to the time of his death. In 1902 he purchased the old homestead of 302 acres and improved the land and buildings, carrying on general farming, dairying and stock raising. He has now under construction a new barn, 40x90. November 1, 1905, Mr. Swenson wasjnarried at Leon to Emma Edstrom, daughter of Charles and Christine Edstrom, natives of Norway, who came to America and settled in Leon township, where they still reside, engaged in farming. Mr. and Mrs. Swenson have two children : Evelyn B., born September 21, 1906, and Ernest Joseph, born July 13, 1909. Mr. Swenson is a .Republican in politics, but has never sought public office. The family are communicants of the Lutheran church. Harry S. Swan is a well known young man of Wanamingo village. He was born April 29, 1876, to John J. and Marguerite (Swenson) Swan, natives of Sweden, who came to America June 24, 1887, and reached Kansas, where they lived until 1896, en- gaged in farming. Then they removed to Sherburne county, Minnesota, where they farmed for three years, after which they went to Minneapolis, where Mr. Swan was in the employ of the Bovey & Delaittre Lumber Company seven years. Removing to Isanti county, they remained until they came to Goodhue county, locating on their farm of 100 acres. Harry S. acquired his edu- cation in Sweden and America, after which he farmed with his father for a time and later went to Minneapolis, where he worked for the Bovey & Delaittre Lumber Company for four years. He then went to the village of Isanti, working in the lumber. yards two years, subsequently coming to Wanamingo and entering the service of the Charles Betcher Lumber Company as local manager. This business was later sold to McMullin Lumber Company, and in 1908 to the Wanamingo Lumber Company, but Mr. Swan still retained his position as general manager, which office he now holds and the duties of which he performs most faithfully. Mr. Swan was married December 12, 1902, at Minneapolis, to Tillie Johnson, a native of Sweden, born February 9, 1876. The chil- dren of this union are : Herbert C, born at Isanti, July 15, 1904 ; Mildred P., born January 19, 1906, and Russel W., born March 15, 1908, all of whom are at home. Mr. Swan is a Republican in politics and the family attend the Swedish Lutheran church. He fraternizes with the Modern Woodmen of America and the Mod- ern Samaritans. For some years he was constable of Wanamingo.