Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1098

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950 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY in possession of the farm, which he improved and on which he erected a new house. He now owns 194 acres in Leon township, 160 acres under cultivation, and has carried on general farming and stock raising. Mr. Esterby was married in 1901 to Martha Berg, daughter of Iver and Martha Berg, natives of Norway. They have seven children, four living in "Wisconsin and three in Minnesota. They came to America, settling in Wisconsin, and in 1902 removed to the home of their daughter, Mrs. Esterby, in Leon township, where they have lived most of the time, but have also occasionally stopped with their children in "Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Esterby have five children: Clarence, Edwin, Ida, Olga and Clara, all living at home. Mr. Esterby is a Republican in his political views, and he and his family attend the Norwegian Lutheran church. Frank Ferdinand Edstrom, a farmer of Leon township, has been town clerk five years. He was born July 22, 1866, on the old homestead where he now resides, and after finishing the course in the common schools of his neighborhood took up farm- ing, which he has since continued. Il<' owns 126 acres on which he conducts general farming and sloe]; raisin--, selling both cream and butter. He is a Republican in politics, is interested in public affairs, and, being a thorough believer in the advantages of a good education, has served on ihe school board several terms. He was married December 15, 1897, to Hanna Olson, daughter of Swan Olson, of 1416 Twelfth street, Red Wing. To this union have been born five children. Reuben L., Mildred E., Russell F., Harvey L. and Yerna E. The family faith is that of the Swedish Lutheran church. Since taking possession of the home place, Frank F. Edstrom has conducted many improvements and altera- tions, including the building of a new house and barn, replacing the original buildings erected by his father, Magnus Edstrom, who settled here in 1855. Mr. Edstrom is a good man, a good farmer and a good citizen, and is well liked by the people of the community at large. August Haggstrom was born in Leon township, where he still resides, April 9, 1860, son of C. A. and Martha C. (Johnson) Haggstrom, who came to America in 1854 and located in Andover, 111., where they remained for one year, after which they came up the Mississippi river by boat, landing at Red Wing, where they lived a short time. In 1855 they removed to Leon township and took up a homestead which the father broke and improved, and built a log-cabin at a cost of $2.40 in cash, in which cabin the Swedish Lutheran Conference of the state held their meeting in 1859. He followed general farming until he retired in 1894, when he erected a fine house, where he lived up to the time of his death. October 4, 1904, at the age of seventy-eight years. He served as