Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1099

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HISTORY (»F (iOOlMIl !•: rol'XTY J)5i supervisor of the township for several years. The mother died January :>(>, 1905, .a1 the age of seventy-seven. Mr. Haggstrom took charge of the farm in 1894 and made many improvements, building a new home and other outbuildings necessary. He now tarries on general farming and stock raising. He was married in 1894 to Melinda Larson, of Rice county, daughter of Simeon and Christina Larson, who came to America in 1870 and located in Vasa township, but later removed to Holden township, where the father engaged in the carpenter's trade. Mr. and Mrs. Hagg- strom have five children: Arthur E., Ephriam, Elmer, Clarence and Myrtle. Mr. Haggstrom is a Republican in his political views, and has served as ,-issessor for five years, also as chairman of the board for three years. He has also been clerk of the school board of district No. 48 since 1882. The family attends the Swedish Lutheran church. K. K. Hougo, who was horn in Hallingdol, Norway, April 7. 1840, came to this country in 1861. In 1862 he purchased forty acres in Minneo'la, which he sold in 1864, and bought his present place of 160 acres in Leon township one year later. To shelter himself and his parents, he first erected a sixteen by sixteen cabin, which constituted the family residence until 1869 when a larger cabin, sixteen by twenty-four, was constructed. In 1890, the present comfortable home was erected. Mr. Hougo has brought the wild land to a high state of cultivation, having 120 of the 160 acres under the plow. On this land he carries on gen- eral farming and stock raising. In addition to his Goodhue county property he owns 240 acres in Mahnomen county, this state, upon which reside his children, Mons and Annie. Mr. Hougo has been for many years an independent voter and has served on the town board, has been justice of the peace and eon- stable, and has held school office for over twenty years. With the exception of two years he has been a member of the board of directors of the Leon Farmers' Fire Insurance Company since 1876, and was one of the organizers of that company. Mr. Hougo was married in 1877 to Martha Munson, daughter of Mons and Annie (Olson) Munson. The former, a spry and healthy old lady, is still living at the good old age of eighty-nine years. To Mr. and Mrs. Hougo have been born ten children, of whom seven are living: Mons, Gerena, Knut, Annie, Marie, Andrew and Clara. The family faith is that of the Norwegian Lutheran church. Mr. and Mrs. Knut Hougo, parents of K. K. Hougo, came to America in 1863 and joined their son, who came over some time before. They spent, the remainder of their days on the Hougo homestead, the father dying at the age of eighty-four years and the mother at the age of sixty-seven years. Before the arrival of Mr. Hougo 's parents in this country, he lived with