Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1114

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966 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY son have four children: Selnia married Arthur Swenson. who has a share in the G. 0. Miller & Co. store at White Bock, where he resides; Alice. Clifton and Whilmer live at home. Mr. Ander- son is a Kepublican in politics, has held the office of supervisor for seven years, and has been director on the school board for twelve years. He owns stock in the Farmers' Elevator at Good- hue and in the Belle Creek Creamery. Air. Anderson has achieved success through his own efforts. John C. Jacobson was born in Belle Creek township Septem- ber 15, 1872, son of Colbin and Mary 'Burg) Jacobson, natives of Norway, who emigrated to America in 1870, locating in Illinois, where the father Avas employed at form work. In 1871 they removed to Minnesota, settled in Belle Creek township and purchased eighty acres of wild land, which the father broke and improved, built a home and other buildings, and carried on general farming and stock raising. He has now retired and his son. Aron ().. manages tin- farm. Joint C. received his education in the public schools of Belle Creek and worked at home on Hie farm until 1896, when he boughl eighty acres in Belle Creek township, where he has made many improvements and carries on farming and stock raising. .Mr. Jacobson was married November 15, L896, to Hilda C Vanberg, daughter of Charles and Augusta Krickson) Vanberg. The mother was a native of Sweden and the father of America. They farmed in Goodhue county until Hie death of the father, in 1^77. The mother is now living in California. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson have three children: Mabel A., born Augusl Ifi. 1897; Conrad II. J., born February 16, 1900, and Esther A., born September 20, 1001. Mr. Jacobson is a Republican in politics, and is serving his second term as town supervisor. He is also a stockholder in the Farmers' Elevator of Goodhue. The Family attend the Norwegian Lutheran church. John P. Mark, proprietor of Belle Rock Farm, of Belle Creek, was born in AVisconsin August 2, 18~>7. son of John and Louise Peterson, natives of Sweden, who came to America in 1845, set- tling in Boston. Alass.. where they remained until 1840. Avhen they emigrated west to California, the father engaging in pros- pecting for four years, after which he returned to Boston, and removed to AVisconsin the same year, locating at Stoughton. Here he purchased eighty acres of land, of which a part was improved. They remained in AVisconsin until 1862, after which the father sold his farm and moved to Alinnesota, settling in Leon township, where he bought eighty acres of prairie land, which he improved, and carried on general farming, built a home and other buildings necessary, remaining twelve years. In 1874 he sold and came to Belle Creek township and purchased lit) acres of land. 'which he improved in many ways. The father