Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1115

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EISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 9CJ died in 1902 and the mother in 1901. John P. received his educa- tion in the public schools and the Swedish parochial schools and worked on the farm -with his father until in 1880. when lie look up a homestead of L60 acres of land in Dakota territory, which he proved up, and boughl 160 acres more, built a home and all hnildings necessary and carried on general farming for fourteen years, after which he returned to Belle (reek township on account of the death of his brother, to assume the management of his father's farm, which he has since continued, carrying on general farming and stock raising, also making a specialty of dairying. He has now under construction a barn 36x64. Mr. Mark was married March 15. 1880, to Christine Anderson, of Red Wing, daughter of Peter and Katie Anderson, natives of Sweden, who came to America in 1870 and located at Eed Wing, where the father worked at various labors. The mother died in 1892, but the father is still living with his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Mark have beeii blessed with five children: Louise C, Chester, Levi E., Inez H. and Ward J. Mr. Mark has held several prom- inent offices, and is a member of the Episcopal church. Fra- ternally he affiliates with the A. O. U. W. John P. Schweiger was born in Belle Creek township Febru- ary 5, 1871, son of Henry and Martha C. (Chandler) Sclrweiger, who were natives of Canada and Maine. The father, a farmer, came to Minnesota in October, 1855, landed at Red Wing and located in Belle Creek township, wdiere he purchased 160 acres of land, a part of which was improved. He continued to improve, erecting a home and other buildings, and carried on general farming and stock raising. He added more land from time to time until he had 285 acres, which he managed until his death, July 5, 1907, at the age of sixty-six years. He was treasurer of the township and school district many years. The mother resides on the homestead with her son, the subject of this sketch. John P. received his education in the Belle Creek schools and worked with his father on the farm until 1907, when he assumed the management of the homestead. He has one sister, Louisa Ellen, living at home, and one brother, Carl B., also living at home, working on the farm with his brother. Mr. Schweiger is an independent voter. He is a stockholder in the Belle Creek Creamery. Fraternally he affiliates with the M. W. A., venerable council, and holds the office of advisor. The family faith is that of the Episcopal church. J. Albert Swanson was born in Belle Creek township February 1, 1860, son of John F. and G. Albertina (Carlson) Swanson, natives of Sweden, who came to America in 1851, settling in Boston, Mass., where the father worked at his trade of shoe- making until 1858, when they emigrated west to Minnesota,