Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/145

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HIST0B"5 OF GOODHUE (DIM X 103 viewers or examiners. The petition was presented by Hans Mattson and others. School district No. 5 was established, with the following boundaries: Beginning at Poplar Grove on the Cannon Palls road, about ten miles from Rod Wing, and running southwest to the south fork of the Cannon, so as to include the claim of Ross and Champe; thence down the south fork to its mouth, thence down the Cannon river two miles; thence in a southeasterly direction to the place of beginning. A special session was called June 9, with the full board in attendance. A petition signed by E. Westervelt and others was presented, asking for the erection of a new eleetion precinct, which after some consideration was dismissed. The residents of Westervell also presented ;i petition asking for a new- school district. This was granted and the district established as school district Xo. 6. Its boundaries were given as follows: Commenc- ing at a point on Lake Pepin above Westervelt 's, running in a southwesterly direction to the divide of t he creek near Maham- mon Drum's claim: thence in a southeasterly direction along the range of bluffs to tin' district below; thence east to the lake; and thence up the river to the place of beginning. Two other districts were also established. Distriel Xo. 7 was outlined as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Ingram's claim on Wells' creek, thence north to the top and center of the bluff dividing the valley of Wells' creek from the military road valley; thence to the head of Rock creek ; thence embracing the Rock creek settlement to Wells' creek and the AVells' creek settlement to the place of beginning. A study of these boundaries will show that a part of this district was taken from the original No. 2. District No. 8, as established, had the following boundaries : Commencing in the middle of section 10, township 113, range 15 west, and running south to the district line of district No. 5 ; thence along said line west three miles ; thence north to the north- west side of Brownson's claim; thence east to the place of beginning. This district was taken in part from district No. 3. At the session of the board held June 25 Cannon Falls precinct was established. In the language of the resolution passed it "comprised the whole of township No. 112, range 17 west, and so much of township No. 112, range 18 west, as lies within the county of Goodhue, being formed out of a portion of Red Wing precinct. The voting place was established at Du- rand's hotel. The board then agreed to raise a tax of one per cent on the total valuation of property, for territorial, school and county purposes, for the year 1855. The total valuation of tax- able property was $144,521 ; the wdiole amount to be raised being $1,455.21. The increase of taxable property in one year v<as