Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/146

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104 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY $79,216. The increase in expenses, including territorial and school tax, was $901.12. The full board was present at the special session held August 4. A petition was presented from the citizens of the Florence precinct, asking that the boundaries of that precinct be changed. After some discussion this matter was laid on the table, and at a subsequent meeting dismissed. A new precinct, called Sackton, was established, including three townships — No. 109 in ranges 15, 16 and 17 west. Abram Pierce was appointed justice of the peace ; Simon Sackett, constable ; and Joseph P. Rutherford, James Haggard and Robert T. Freeman were named as judges of elections. The resignations of J. Middaugh, constable, and F. D. Clark, justice of the peace, Red Wing, were received and accepted. The clerk of the board was directed to obtain, if possible, printed blanks for county orders and poll books. Pre- vious to this time printed blanks were not used, and all forms were written out with the pen. The county surveyor was directed to procure a proper book and to copy into the same the field notes of the United States survey of the county. At the September meeting the precinct of Dunkirk was estab- lished, embracing townsbips No. 110 in ranges 17 and 18 west, and township No. 119, range 18 west. There was also established the precinct of Belle Creek, embracing townships 111 in ranges 15 and 16 west, and township No. 112, range 16 west. Anders Knutson, Ole Oleson and Gunder Oleson were appointed to be judges of election in Dunkirk precinct, and the election was ordered to be held at the home of Anders Knutson. Walter Doyle, Hans Mattson and S. P. Chandler were appointed judges of election in Belle Creek, and the election was ordered to be held at the house of Walter Doyle. Townships No. Ill, in ranges 17 and 18, were added to Cannon Falls precinct, and townships 110 in ranges 15 and 16 to Sackton precinct. The consideration of road petitions, appointment of viewers and the perfecting of arrangements for the October election, together with the exam- ination of sundry accounts, occupied the remainder of the session. A session of one day was held October 1, being devoted mainly to the examination and allowance of accounts. The Spring Creek Valley and White Rock road was declared to be established and the clerk was directed to notify the supervisors of the same. The Wacoota and Wells' Creek, and the Wells y Creek and Florence roads were also declared to be established, and a like order directed to be issued to the supervisors of the several districts through which the roads were located. The last session of the year was held December 5, when school district No. 9 was established with boundaries as follows: Commencing