Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/607

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTl 525 inii ground on Paseo Santa Lulia, commonly known as the Lu- netta; May 22. the 2d battalion, consisting of companies K, L, M and G, in command of Captain Masterman. proceeded to the Mariguina road to the north of the Depository, camping sepa rately a1 from one-half to one mile apart. March 25. at 5 p. m., the entire regiment took position in a skirmish line along the Mariguina road and participated in the attack upon the insur- gents to the north of the road, meeting with considerable resist- ance and routing the rebels, advancing a distance of about four miles through the country. During this skirmish thirteen en- listed men were wounded. Roberl L. Geib, of Company <;. in the right thigh. March 28 the regiment assembled at t he Depository and at 7 p. m took up the march to Calocan by way of .Manila. arriving at Calocan at 11 :1"> p. m., a distance of fifteen miles. and resting for the night. March 29 the regiment proceeded by train to Mariola and went into camp. The report for April says this regiment formed part of the 3d brigade, 1st division, 8th army corps, under Brigadier General Wheaton, stationed at various points along the M. & D. railroad track from Mariola to Santa Isabel, a distance of about twelve miles, guarding and patrolling its track and bridges. Scouting and reconnoitering parties were sent out daily by all the companies. On the night of April 10 a determined attack was made upon the entire regi- ment, the idea of the enemy being to destroy the track and bridges, and thereby cut off the base of supplies. The force of the enemy was estimated at 2,500. Fighting continued during the whole night. At daybreak the troops drove the natives a distance of five miles toward the hills, after which the regiment returned to camp. The American casualties were two killed and twelve wounded. April 11 this regiment formed a part of the forces assembled at Bocave, under Brigadier General "Wheaton, in action against Santa Marie. On the following day that city was captured and burned. One man in the regiment was wounded. After this engagement the regiment returned to the station along the railroad tracks. From this time up to April 22 a number of sharp engagements took place, two enlisted men in the regiment being wounded. April 22 orders were received to have the 2d and 3d battalions ready to join an expedition. The 1st battalion remained on the railroad track, guarding and patrolling it, from Santa Isabel to Bigua, a distance of six miles. No trouble occurred. April 20 the 2d and 3d battalions, com- prising companies K, L, M and G, under command of Captain Masterman, and companies C, D, E and H as the 3d battalion, under command of Captain Spear, Major Arthur Diggles. com- manding the regiment, formed a part of the provisional brigade assembled at Bocave April 22 to 29. April 23. at 5:15 a. m.. the