Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/608

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526 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY company was started on the road Leading to Noragageray, and marehed within one and a half miles of that town. Next morn- ing the regiment engaged the enemy and routed them, taking possession of the town after a short engagement. Two enlisted men of the regiment were wounded. April 25 the 3d battalion, under command of Captain Spear, with others, captured the town of Angot. One enlisted man was wounded. The troops returned to Noragageray in time to take part in the attack upon the camp from across the river, the engagement lasting the entire day. April 26 orders were received making Company G a part of provisional brigade, 1st division. April 27. at 6 a. m.. the com- pany marched to Angai. On arriving al Angat the 2d battalion of the 13th and a battalion of Oregon volunteers under command of .Major Diggles, forded the river. Several hot skirmishes took place, the rebels being driven toward the foothills. The return to Marengo, which the 3d battalion took without resistance, was made a1 4 p. m. April 2!> the company took part in the cap- ture of Polo and San Raphael, afterward returning to Marengo. .May 1 the regiment, with Major Diggles commanding, consti- tuted ;i part of the provisional brigade, 1st division. 8th army corps. The 1st battalion, consisting of companies A. 1>. P and I, Captain McWade commanding, remained stationed guarding the line of railroad communication from Bigaa railroad bridge to Santa Isabel, while headquarters. 2d and .'id battalions, consist- ing of companies K. L, M. Gr, C, D, 11 and E, under command of Major Diggles, then a1 Marengo, broke camp at 7 a. m. on .May 1. and with other troops, took up the return inarch to San Raphael, where the enemy was again encountered and routed. May 2 the advance was continued toward Baliuag, terminating in its capture and occupation by the Americans. .May 4 the village of Maasin. strongly fortified, was captured after severe fighting. May 5 the 3d battalion, constituted reconnoitering par- ties, resulting in the capture and destroying of some 15,000 bush- els of rice stored for the insurgents. May 8 Company K consti- tuted part of the escort of the brigade commander on personal reconnoisance. accompanied by Major Diggles at his own request. The party was tired n| and .Major Diggles was fatally wounded, dying .May 26. 1899. May 12, Co. I) with Oregon troops formed a reconnoitering party and captured San Ildefonso. May 13. the balance id' the command (seven companies under command of Captain Masterman) moved to San Ildefonso. From this place. Co. II with one company of an Oregon regiment moved north- ward, supporting Young and Harrington, scouts, and after a slight resistance captured the town of San Miguel, driving the enemy three or four miles northward. Upon report of capture the regiment moved forward and reached San Miguel at 5 p. m.