Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/634

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552 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY tinued to be carried on, and the streets were beginning to mul- tiply. The officers this year were: '.Mayor, Christopher Graham; couneilmen, C. C. Johnson, James Lawthcr and R. N. McLaren; clerk, W. C. Williston; treasurer^ J. W. Hancock; attorney, P. Sandforcl; surveyor, H. B. Wilson; marshal, M. Herschler; printer, J. H. Parker, of the Goodhue "Volunteer." In October S. S. Grannis took the place of R. X. McLaren on the council and J. H. Brand took the place of AY. < '. Williston as clerk, both of the gentlemen who resigned doing so for the purpose of enlisting in the army. The license fee this year remained at $25.00. 1863-64 — During this year the cemetery began to occupy the attention of the board. The lots were platted, roads laid out, a financial system started, a sexton appointed and bodies ordered removed from lots which the newly laid-out roads were to cross. Resolutions and by-laws in regard to the cemetery were adopted and placed on the records. This year also a plan was adopted for surveying a railroad from Winona to St. Paul, the city offering to pay seven per cent interesl to anyone who would advance money for this project. The officers this year were: .Mayor, AY. L. Hastings; couneilmen, Y. B. Brown, Francis Ives and William Howe; treasurer, J. AY. Hancock; marshal, J. II. Brand; printer, < '. II. Davis: clerk, T. J. Clark. Mr. Clark later resigned and J. II. Brand was appointed in his stead. 1864-65 — A system was this year adopted whereby the coun- eilmen were to serve for three years and the three gentlemen elected drew cuts as to which ones should fill the one, two and three-year terms, respectively. The justices also drew cuts to determine which should fill a one-year term and which a two-year term. The same procedure was adopted in the case of the con- stables. The officers were: Mayor, W. W Phelps; couneilmen, William E. Hawkins (one year), George Wilkinson (two years), W. P. Brown (three years ; clerk, Robert Deakin; printer, James II. Parker; marshal. Thomas Taylor: justices. Francis Ives (one year), James II. Parker (two years) ; treasurer, J. AV. Hancock; constables, Thomas Taylor (one year), Morris Hirsehler (two years). A few days after being elected treasurer, J. W. Hancock resigned and J. C. Pierce was appointed. In November, E. P. Philleo took the place of M. Herschler as constable. At the last meeting of the board, April 3, 1864, Mr. AVilkinson, who had yet a year to serve, resigned in order that his successor might be named at the annual election, which occurred a few days later. During the term of this board the German Lutheran Church asked permission to establish a cemetery in section 31. This was refused, owing to the fact that the location suggested was likely to soon be needed for building purposes. A short time later the