Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/635

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HISTORY OE GOODHUE COUNTY 553 German people decided on the present location of their cemetery, and to this location the city board had no objection. Before the close of the 1864-65 term Charles McClure resigned as attorney and V. C. Williston, who had returned from the army, was named in his place. Jt was this year voted to reimburse those who had contributed for the railroad survey, the amount being .$700. 1865-66 — This was the year of Lincoln's surrender. The vil- lage officers were: Mayor, TV. W. Phelps; councilmen, William Howe, W. P. Brown and T. B. Sheldon; recorder, A. W. Pratt; treasurer, A. H. Jones ; constables, R. H. Doming and S. W. Rob- erts; justices. W. W. DeKay and Francis Ives; surveyor, D. M. Tabor; attorney. Y. C. Williston; official printer, "The Argus." At the session of April 10. 1865. M. S. ('handler received a tele- gram from R. N. McLaren announcing the surrender of Lee to Grant. The council appointed a day of celebration. April 17 came the news of the assassination of Lincoln, and a committee consisting of Charles Betcher, M. S. Chandler and C. C. Webster was appointed to arrange for appropriate memorial services. The cemetery proposition again came up this year, also the matter of building a road on the island to connect with the ferry at that time in operation across the Mississippi. 1866-67 — The officers this year were as follows : Mayor, Will- iam Howe; councilmen, John Friedrich, W. P. Brown and T. B. Sheldon; recorder. T. B. McCord; treasurer, A. H. Jones; con- stable, Leman Bates; attorney. D. M. Tabor; health officer (also constable), W. W. DeKay; city surveyor, Benjamin Densmore; city printer, Charles L. Davis. C. J. F. Smith was appointed as- sessor in place of T. T. Towne, resigned, and John AY. Jefferson was sworn in as constable after the resignation of Leman Bates. J. Van Schvik was appointed ferryman. 1867-68- — The officers this year were: Mayor. E. L. Baker; councilmen, William Howe, T. B. Sheldon and John Friedrich; treasurer, AY. S. Brill ; recorder, Thomas AYilkinson ; attorney, W. C. Williston ; justices, Francis Ives and R. B. Smithers ; con- st ables, W. AY. DeKay and J. AY. Jefferson; city physician, Drr E. S. Parker; street commissioner and marshal, W. W. DeKay. Jeremiah Van Schvik and William Hutchinson were engaged to run the ferry, one across the main channel and the other across the AVisconsin channel. This year a short sewer was built from Fifth street down Bush, to connect with one that already ex- tended part of the way to Fourth street. Many sidewalks were ordered in the residence portions. A resolution was presented this council by W. L. Webster, J. H. Parker. W. C. AVilliston. Jesse Mclntire and others asking that the city bond itself for