Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/650

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568 HISTOKY OF GOODHUE COUNTY free passage across the bridge. L. F. Wolff was elected city as- sessor. 1896-97 — The officers elected this year were: Aldermen, M. Kappel, Ed. Johnson, C. A. Carlson and E. J. Hoard; constables. John Seastrand and D. M. Baldwin. At the organization of the council B. F. Seiz was named as president and Fred Seebach vice president. P. J. Peterson was elected street commissioner and L. P. Wolff city engineer. May 15, 1896, the North Ameri- can Telegraph Company was granted a franchise. This year was largely occupied with sewer and street matters. 1897-98 — A. P. Pierce was elected mayor, J. H. Friedrich, Otto A. Remmler, A. G. Skoglund, W. C. Hawkins and B. F. Seiz alder- men, J. II. Friedrich treasurer. G. H. Diepenbrock and G. E. Erickson justices of the peace. The vote on issuing bonds to the amount of $15,000 for an addition and beating plant to the high school was 452 to 222 in favor of the project. At the organiza- tion of the council Fred Seebach was elected president and E. II. Hoard vice president. J. C. McClure was named as city attorney and P. J. Peterson as street commissioner. Dr. B. Jaehnig was appointed city physician, F. II. Davis w;is appointed chief of police and the force consisted of C. P. Belin, John Jansen, Ole G undersoil and John Peterson. A franchise was granted the Union Electric Telephone Company. During the year the matter of erecting an armory on the present site of the city hall was seriously considered. February 11, 1898, a committee reported that plans had been drawn for erecting a building for a city hall, offices, public library and armory at a cost of $15,200 and recom- mended thai the city issue bonds to the amount of $15,000 for the purpose. J. C. Hawes was elected assessor. 1898-99 — M. Kappel. X. Tufvesson. Peter Thompson and John A. Render were elected aldermen. John Seastrand and C. AY. Ives constables. The proposition to issue bonds for the purpose of erecting a public building was defeated by a vote of 533 to 391. At the organization of the council B. F. Seiz was elected president and M. Kappel vice president. Fred H. Davis was appointed chief of police and the force consisted of C. P. Belin, John Jansen, Ole Gunderson and John Peterson. P. J. Peterson was named as street commissioner. Dr. B. Jaehnig as health officer and L. P. Wolff as city engineer. May 13. 1898, a franchise was granted the Pierce County Telephone Company: July 1. 1898. a franchise was granted H. L. Sumption and Irving Todd. Jr.. of Hastings, Minn., as the Red Wing Telephone Company. September 2, 1898. a petition was presented asking that a plot of ground be set aside at the head of Broadway for the purpose of erecting a soldiers' monument. November 4 a resolution was passed set-