Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/651

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNT1 569 ting aside as a site for a soldiers' monument the .southerly 7<> feet of Broad street (Broadway). 1899-1900— E. H. Blodgett was elected mayor, W. C. Krise, Otto Remmler, C. E. Harrison, Oscar Fogelquist and Andrew Lindgren aldermen, L. < '. Stromberg treasurer, G. H. Diepenbrock and I. S. Kellogg justices of the peace. At the organization of the council M. Kappel was elected president and AY. C. Krise vice president. AY. E. Taylor was made clerk, F. M. Wilson city attorney and J. P. Peterson street commissioner. C. J. Weich was appointed chief of the fire department and Fred L. Rischlag assistant. Dr. B. Jaehnig was appointed city physician. June 16, 1899, the council voted $250 for the relief of the cyclone suf- ferers in New Richmond. Wis. At the request of the Red Wing Business Men's Association, a license of $25 per month or frac- tion thereof was imposed upon all transient merchants. 1900-01 — The aldermen elected this year were Mr, Kappel. N. Tufvesson, P. Thompson and J. A. Render. John Seastrand and C. AY. Ives were elected constables. Mr. Kappel was chosen as president of the council and AY. C. Krise as vice president. George AY. Harlow was appointed street commissioner, William McKinstry city engineer and Dr. B. Jaehnig health officer. Clar- ence W. Lee was appointed chief of police and the force con- sisted of C. P. Belin, Ole Gunderson. John Jansen and John Peter- son. November 9, 1900 (amended April 5, 1901; May 7, 1901) an alley was vacated for the purpose of erecting the armory and Masonic Hall on Plum street. No record appears on the minutes of the appointment of a fire chief this year. 1901-02 — John II. Rich was elected mayor, L. C. Stromberg treasurer, Ed Johnson, C. E. Friedrich, 8. AV. H. Haynes, F. AY. Reichert and A. R. Brink aldermen, G. H. Diepenbrock and Ira S. Kellogg justices of the peace. At the organization of the board M. Kappel was elected president and N. Tufvesson vice presi- dent ; James Daily was appointed chief of police and the force consisted of John Peterson, John Jansen, C. P. Belin and Carl K. Reckner; C. E. Harrison was appointed city clerk, F. M. Wil- son city attorney, George M. Harlow street commissioner, William McKinstry city engineer and Dr. B. Jaehnig health officer. C. J. Weich was appointed chief of the fire department and August Olson his assistant. June 7, 1901, a petition was presented ask- ing that Broadway be graded and boulevarded from Levee street to Third street, and that a triangular tract be set aside for a soldiers' monument. G. O. Miller was granted a franchise to string wires on the poles of the Northwestern Telephone Ex- change Company. Resolutions were passed thanking James Lawther for his gift of a site, and Andrew Carnegie for his offer