Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/652

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570 HISTOKY OF GOODHUE COUNTY to build a library, and agreeing to devote not less than .$1,500 annually to the maintenance of the same. Mr. Danforth was ap- pointed city assessor. It was this year recommended that a fire department be placed under the charge of a fire board of five members. The new armory was formally opened December 13. 1901. June 23, 1901. the Duluth. Red Wing & Southern was sold to the Chicago Great Western. 1902-03 — The new aldermen this year were M. Kappel, N. Tufvesson, Peter Thompson and W. J. Bach. At the organization of the board. M. Kappel was made president and X. Tufvesson, vice-president. George M. Harlow was appointed street commis- sioner, and William Danforth. city engineer. James Daily was made chief of police and the force consisted of John Jansen, John Peterson, C. P. Belin and Carl K. Reckner. Nels Severson was appointed policeman in place of Reckner. It was voted to make the annual library appropriation $1,700 instead of $1,500. March 6, 1903, a communication was received from the trustees of the T. 15. Sheldon estate, setting forth the conditions upon which a part of the fund bequeathed by the late T. B. Sheldon would be devoted to the building of an Auditorium. This matter was referred to a committee of three consisting of Aldermen Fredrjch, Tufvesson and Bach. A. W. Pratl and Peter Nelson appeared before the council as a committee from the Commercial Club, stating that the trustees of the Sheldon estate would fur- nish a site and give $6,000 of the Sheldon Memorial fund pro- viding the city would raise enough to complete a city hall to cost from $13,000 to $15,000. .March 14. 1903, a resolution was passed to accept the offer of the" proffered auditorium from the Sheldon estate. .March 20, 1903, the requesl of the old soldiers to be al- lowed to move the old Baptisl church onto the city property and use the same for a hall w;is refused. It was also reported that all the Sheldon estate would do toward providing a city hall would be to donate the site. The question of changing the location of the hath house on the levee was taken up and considered. No- vember 16, 1903 the now famous Civic League was organized. 1903-04 — A. P. Pierce was elected mayor; A. J. Frenn. treas- urer: G. 11. Diepenbrock and Jared Sexton, justices of the peace; Hiram Howe. O. Remmler, S. D. Haynes, F. W. Rerchert and A. Pi. Brink, aldermen. At the organization of the council, M. Kap- pel was elected president and A. P. Brink vice-president. James Daily was appointed chief of police, and the force consisted of C. P. Belin, John Jansen, John Peterson and Nels Severson. C. E. Hanson was appointed city clerk ; George M. Harlow, street com- missioner; William Danforth. city engineer; D. M. Wilson, city attorney. C. J. Weich Avas appointed chief of the fire department