Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/728

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636 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY three-story brick building at the corner of Main and Potter streets measuring 140x60 feet at the ends, with a jog reducing the width to 45 feet in the center. The company manufactures a general line of medium, heavy and fine men's and boys' shoes, ranging from oxfords to extreme high cut, and sold under the name "Red Wing Treaclstrate "Welts." The market for these shoes is in all the Northwestern states, and the territory covered by the sales- man of the company is growing rapidly. The company was incor- porated February 10, 1905. by Charles Beckman, O. M. Hall, C. H. Boxrud, C. E. Friedrich, H. A. Willard. C. E. Sheldon and E. S. Hoyt. The first officers were : President and manager, Charles Beckman ; vice president, C. H. Boxrud ; secretary, H. A. Willard ; treasurer. ( '. E. Friedrich. The building was erected at once, operations were started September 1, 1905. and the first finished shoes were ready to ship September 15. The present officers are: President and manager. Charles Beckman; vice president, C. H. Boxrud: secretary, II. A. Willard; treasurer and assistant manager, Hiram Howe. The directors are: Charles Beckman, C. H. Boxrud. ('. E. Friedrich, E. S. Hoyt. Y. H. Putnam, O. M. Hall and 11. A. Willard. -I. A. Stierman is the superintendent of the factory. The LaGrange Mills, with a capacity of 1,500 barrels per twenty-four hours, are located on the levee at the foot of Plumb street. ;n id consist of two elevators, a mill 50x80 feet, six stories, and < warehouse, 60x62, two stories. The property includes the old Sheldon elevator. The original LaGrange mills were erected in 1877 and the planl was practically rebuilt in 1888. New equip- ment is constantly being added from time to time, and no modern machinery of proven worth is missing from the present appli- ances. The LaGrange Mill Company was incorporated in 1877. The capital stock was fixed at $100,000, divided into 2,000 shares of $50 each. The incorporators were O. Eames, Hiram Walers, Anarand Seebach, A. J. Grover. John Miller, J. J. Starz, Charles Betcher, J. C. Bennewitz, John Dablow, Peter Stromberg, D. C. Hill, B. B. Herbert, John C. Diefenbach and F. W. Hoyt. Febru- ary 3. 1877, at a meeting of the stockholders, E. W. Brooks, Anarand Seebach, J. S. Hoard. William Hayman. H. E. Perkins, Charles Betehor and O. Eames were elected directors, and at a meeting held two days later these directors elected the follow- ing officers: President, E. W. Brooks; vice president. Charles Beteher; treasurer. J. S. Hoard; secretary, A. J. Meacham; super- intendent. A. Seebach. This company was succeeded in June, 1885, by The LaGrange Mills. The first board of directors con- sisted of F. Busch, F. W. Hoyt. T. B. Sheldon, E. W. Brooks. William Featherstone, H. E. Perkins and B. Gerlach. The officers were: President, F. Busch; vice president. T. B. Sheldon: secre-