Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/729

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HISTORY OF tiOOMRK COUNT! 631 tary, B. Gerlach; treasurer, William Busch. The original stock of $85,000 was in 1894 increased to $200,000. The present officers are: President, B. Gcrlach ; vice president, William Buseh ; treas- urer, J. C. Seebaeh ; secretary, YV. S. Weiss. These gentlemen, with E. D. Brooks and Gust Lillyblad, constitute the present board of directors. The brands manufactured are the "Gilt Edge and the "Corner Stone," and the plant employs about forty men. Bernard Gerlach is president of the La Grange .Mills and an officer of other local concerns. His parents, George ami Anna M. (Fux) Gerlach, were natives of Germany, where the father was a carpenter, a trade which he followed all his life. He came to America in 1851, located in New York state until the spring of 1856, then settled in St. Paul, where he died September 1, 1888. His widow still survives, making her home in St. Paul. In that city, August 2. 1860, Bernard Gerlach was horn. He at- tended the parochial and public schools and started life for him- self as clerk in the employ of Jacob Mainzer, who conducted a law and abstract office, in which latter department Mr. Gerlach worked until March, 1879. Coming to Eed Wing on the tenth of that month, he entered the employ of H. N. W'illson & Co., in the abstract business, continuing there until January, 1880, when he engaged with the Red Wing Mills as bookkeeper in their lum- her department. September 1, 1882, he first entered the La Grange Mills as bookkeeper. In June, 1885, when the company was incorporated, Mr. Gerlach was elected secretary. After that his career was one of faithful service and steady advancement. In 1891 he was chosen manager and continued in that capacity. In September, 1908, he was elected president of the company. Mr. Gerlach is a Democrat in polities and, although interested in public matters, has always avoided the lime light of public office. He has been persuaded, however, to become a member of the T. B. Sheldon Memorial Auditorium Board, in which capacity he now serves. In fraternal affiliation he is a member of the Knights of Columbus, St. Joseph's Society and the D. R. K. U. G. of Minnesota. He is a member of the Roman Catholic Church. Bernard Gerlach was married April 29, 1884, at Red AVing to Frances M. McCue, daughter of Timothy and Margaret MeCue. Her father died at St. Paul in 1898, and her mother makes her home in Red Wing. To Mr. and Mrs. Gerlach have been born, all in Red Wing, five bright children, Flelen, Anna. Laura, Ger- trude and Frances, all of whom are at home. The Red Wing Mill Company, which from 1873 to 1891 oper- ated the Diamond mill, the Bluff mill and the Bluff sawmill, was the project of a large number of Red Wing men who planned to build up a tremendous flouring and woodworking industry. The