Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/763

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COl Yn 665 accidents of a .similar nature had occurred in the same place. 'Phis particularly sad drowning emphasized strongly the impera- tive need of a public bathing beach where there would he no danger of sacrificing lives. This need resulted in an active cam- paign on the pari of the ladies. Mrs. D. .M . Neill became its leader and it had tor its purpose the securing of the Colvill property tor park and bathing purposes. Mrs. Neill put all her energies of heart and mind into the project and secured the co- operation and aid of the ladies of Red Wing in promoting it. On the evening of -Inly IS. a public park meeting was held in the library building. It resulted in the organization of the Colvill Park Association, with the following ladies serving as officers: Mrs. I). M. Neill, president ; Rlrs. 11. L. Hjermstad, lirst vice presi- dent; .Mrs. C. E. Friedrich, second vice president; Mrs. (i. E. Gates, third vice president: Mrs. Jennie Lovgren, secretary; Mrs. Hugo Herder, treasurer. The executive committee was com- posed of Mesdames S. E. Hasler, < Steaffens, C. S. Dana. II. R. Cobb and Miss Helen Craliam. On -Inly 27 another meeting was held and the announcement was made thai the $1,500 necessary for the purchase of the thirty-acre trad desired had. after a vigorous campaign, been raised. On -Inly :!1 the money was paid over to G. E. Freeman, of whom the property was bought, and the dot'(] delivered to the association. Colvill park was opened for the public on August 1 and numerous improvements were at once made. It proved an exceedingly popular resort for the Red Wing public during the remainder of the season. This season (1909) it has been even more popular and its place as the real recreation park of the people has been fully established. The young men and boys have found it a delightful place for bathing. Suitable bathing houses have been erected and as high as 250 have taken advantage of its bathing facilities in a single day. A caretaker was employed from the outset to watch the young people and prevent any possible accident. The park is located about two miles below the city on a point projecting into the river, and can be reached both by land and water. The present officers are: President. Mrs. D. M. Neill; vice-president. % Mrs. 0. E. Friedrich; second vice-president, Mrs. S. E. Noble; third vice-president, Mrs. G. E. Gates; secretary, Mabel Miller; treasurer, Mrs. Hugo Herder. The members of the executive committee whose terms had expired were re-elected. These were Mrs. Sarah Hasler, Mrs. C. Staeffens. Mrs. I. R. Gates was elected to fill a vacancy in the executive board. The other members of the board are: Mrs. E. C. Erb. Mrs. Nels Tufvesson, Mrs. C. S. Dana and Helen Graham.