Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/764

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CHAPTER XXXIV. LIVES OF LEADING MEN. Principal Events in the Careers of Pioneers Who Have Now Passed Away — Biographies of Men Who Are Still Active in Business, Professional and Commercial Interests — Gathered with Care from Various Sources. Carefully Compiled and Submitted for Approval. It has been said thai the I rue history of any nation or locality lies in the biographies of its a and women. To a great extent this is true In order thai the principal events in the lives of the pioneers, and in the careers of the men still active in the af- fairs of the County, should not be forgotten by future generations the publishers of this work have gathered from various sources biographies of the Leading men of the county, past and present, for insertion in this chapter. In the cities and villages the men whose lives are told are those prominent in professional, busi- ness and manufacturing endeavor, while in the farm districts the men included are those who by hard work have tilled the soil and by bringing their farms to a high degree of cultivation have laid the foundations for the prosperity of the county. It is be- lieved that flie following list is a truly representative one, and thai this chapter will stand for all time as a story of successful endeavor and an inspiration to countless generations to come, that they, too, like those whose stories follow, may make the besl of the conditions in which they are placed, and however greal the obstacles, become successful and respected citizens. The following sketches of living men have been submitted to the subjects of the sketches and have, with a very few exceptions, been corrected and approved. The sketches of the pioneers now deceased have been submitted to those best qualified to judge of their correctness. Many biographies not included in this list are found scattered through the various chapters in different parts of the book. Philander Sandford was the first lawyer who settled in Red AVing. He visited the place in the summer of 1853, and invested in a claim-right of some lots very soon after the survey of the 6 6