Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/801

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IIISToh'Y OF GOODHUE COUNTY 695 .Minn.; Theodore; Calma. now of Red Wing; Lovenia, now Mrs. Otto Taylor, of Northfield, Minn.; Elmer, of California, and Ernnest. of Texas. These children are all well thought of in their respective communities, and their respect and affection is making glad the declining years of their parents. John C. Johnson, Red Wing, of the firm of Johnson & Nelson, contractors, estimators and builders, comes of vigorous Nor- wegian stock, born in Norway, February 22, 1864, son of J. C. and Anna (Anderson) Johnson, both natives of that country. The parents carried on general farming in their native country, the father dying late in the year of 1863, and the mother in 3 908, the latter having reached a good old age. John C. attended the public schools of his native land and there grew to manhood, becoming proficient in the carpenter trade. In 1885, at the age of twenty-one years, he came to America and settled at Red Wing, in which city he worked until 1887, afterward going to St. Paul and remaining until 1892. when he again returned to this city. During his years of labor he had been both frugal and in- dustrious, and in 1892 his funds and experience were sufficient to warrant his embarking in business for himself. He accord- ingly formed a partnership with E. G. Nelson, in the contracting business, under the firm name of Johnson & Nelson. This part- nership continued until February 1, 1909. when they dissolved the partnership. Mr. Nelson moving out of town and Mr. Johnson continuing the business, the venture having met with consider- able success. Mr. Johnson is an independent voter, and belongs to the Woodmen, the Foresters, the E. F. U. and I. 0. 0. F. He belongs to St. Peter's Norwegian Lutheran Church. John ( '. Johnson was married in 1890 to Matilda Quist, daughter of Israel Quist. and to this union one child, Mabel A. L., was born September 2, 189]. In 1903 Mrs. Matilda Quist Johnson passed away, and Mr. Johnson was married, some time later, to Anna Mehrkens, daughter of Henry Mehrkens, of Red Wing. This union has been blessed with two children — Theodore A. J., born October 23. 1905, and Ellen H. L., born November 21, 1907. William Johnson, traveling salesman, living at 419 Eighth street, Red Wing, was born in Norway, October 1, 1853. His parents, John Bersvendson and Ingeborg Paulson, came to Amer- ica in 1865 and located at Bratsberg in Fillmore county, Minne- sota. There the father worked at different trades until 1866, when they moved to Belle Creek, this county, where he pur- chased a farm and lived there until 1871. Their next location was at Lake Sacheteck. in Murray county, this state. There the father homesteaded 160 acres, and by purchase acquired other land, until he owned 500 acres, upon which he farmed until 1890. After about three years in Tracy, Lyon county, this state, during