Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/802

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(596 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY which time lie purehased various property, they bought a home in Canby village, Yellow Medicine county, Minnesota. The mother still lives in the old homestead, in that village, the father having passed away some years ago. William attended the schools of his neighborhood at Belle Creek, and for a year lived in Murray county. He then returned to Goodhue county, and after working in the harvest fields and on a farm for a short time, came to Red Wing and clerked in the grocery store of Watts Sherman. In 1873 he traveled for Gunder Stuvrud, of Aspelund, this county, selling farm machinery, with Northfield, this state, for his headquarters. He returned to Red Wing the same year" and entered the employ of G. R. Sterling & Co., with whom he remained as clerk and salesman for twelve years. He became Thoroughly conversant with the business and in 1885 purchased Mr. Sterling's interest, the new firm being known as William Johnson & Co. After about seven years this firm sold out in 1892 to J. T. (hinnock. and Mr. Johnson became traveling sales- man for the firm of Tarbox, Sehliek & Co., of St. Paul. This com- pany was bought out by the Western Shoe Company, with whom .Mr. Johnson is at present employed, being trusted by his employ- ers and liked by those with whom he comes # in contact in the course of his business dealings. Although on the road for the greater pari of the time, .Mi'. Johnson retains his interests here, holding stock in several local manufacturing industries. He is a member of the Commercial Club and of the Scandinavian Re- lief Association, in which latter organization he was a member of the revising board until the. present year. He votes the Re- publican tickel and attends the Norwegian Lutheran Church. William Johnson was married May 15, 187"). to Ingeborg Kirkeby. daughter of Hemming Kirkeby. of this county. Her mother died many years ago and her father was married in 1885 to Mrs. Sigfrid Velvang. To Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have been born nine children — John II.. deceased; Inga M., deceased ; Ida M., Bertha G., Emma L., Clara A., William B.. Florence I., and Inge- borg B. Ida married W. O. Gilruth, of Minneapolis, Minn., man- ager of the First Mortgage and Farm Loan Company, of that city. Bertha married G. E. Mack, of Reel Wing, Minn., who travels for the Red Wing Linseed Oil Company. William is traveling salesman for the Red AYing Shoe Company, with terri- tory on the Pacific coast. The other children are living at home. Emma and Florence axe graduates of the Red Wing high school. Peter Jorgensen, Red Wing, manager of the Reel Wing Fur- niture Company, is of Danish birth. His parents, Hans and Marie (Hansen) Jorgensen, came of a substantial family of that country, the former being a cooper by trade. He died in 1894, having survived his wife twelve years. Peter was born in Den-