Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/811

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IMSTOKY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 705 January 20, L863, died in infancy; Kirsii. born February 23, L866, died in infancy; Nels A., born May 16, 1867, died Septem- ber 27. 1S7!) : Selma, born October 17. 1869, died the following year: Oscar B., born November 4. 1871, died November •'!. 1906; Selma P... born March 31, 1874, died April 3. 1885; Hanna J. was born June 15, 1S7(I; Alma M. was born October 1, 1878; Alfred, born May 15, 1867, died. 1*79 : Peter A. was bom Decem- ber 10. 1880; Hilma 31. av;is born September 20. 1882: Agnes A. was born February 17. 1885; Minnie E. was born April 7, 1887; Fred was born March 13, 1889. and Ksthcr L. was born April 30. 1894. Wellington J. Phillips, Red Wing, photographer, was born at Fort Madison. Iowa, July 7. 1872. His parents were John and Helen (Brown) Phillips, the former a native of Baltimore, Md.. and the latter of England. John Phillips learned the busi- ness of photography at a time when that profession was com- paratively in its infancy and the modern inventions and improve- ments along these lines were unknown. Later he moved to Burlington, Iowa, and became a conductor on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad. An accident received in a wreck incapacitated him for this employment, and in 1870 he again took up photography, opening a studio in Lake City, Minn. In 1880 his place of business was destroyed by the great fire which visited that city that vear, and in 1881 he came to Red Wing, and continued in the business ten years. In 1891 he became conductor on the Dnlnth, Red "Wing & Southern railroad, on the run from Red Wing to Rochester. In 1895 failing health overtook him and he was forced to retire. He is now police judge at Stanley. Wis. AYellington J. received his education, first in the Nazarene convent at Lake City, and after coming to Red Wing with the family also studied in the convent here, afterward finishing at high school. Choosing business instead of college, he studied photography and at once started in business for himself. He does excellent and artistic work and has a large trade. He has just completed on Third street a new build- ing, in which he has one of the handsomest and most modern studios in the Northwest. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of the Episcopal church. He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias, and for six years served in the Minnesota National Guards, a member of Company G. Mr. Phillips was married February 12. 1896, at Clinton. Mo., to Mary L. Brooke, of Bristol, Va., daughter of the Rev. Pendleton and Caroline (Bunting) Brooke, of Norfolk. Va. Her father died in March. 1898. and her mother resides at Seattle. Wash. To Mr. and Mrs. Phillips have been born five children: Eleanor L.. April 4,