Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/812

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706 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUKTY 1899; John B., March 4, 1901; Wellington L., December 24, 1902; Mary L., January 28, 1904, and Frank LeRoy, October 29, 1908. Theron B. McCord was a prominent man in the early com- mercial activities of Red Wing, and is still remembered with respect by the older residents, although he moved away in the early seventies. He was born at Granville, 111., August 18, 1830, son of William McCord. His early education was received in the schools of Illinois, and he worked in that state for a time, coming to Red Wing in the middle fifties. After several years' employment with Mclntire & Sheldon, the pioneer merchants, he became connected with the potteries. In 1873 he moved with his family to Royalton, Wis., and there he entered into the general mercantile business, which he continued until his death, August 20, 1893, becoming one of the prominent citizens of that place. In 1896 Mrs. McCord returned to Red Wing, where she now makes her home, at 722 Bush street. Mr. McCord was a Republican in politics, and for four years served as register of deeds in Goodhue county. He was also a veteran of the Civil War. having served three years in Company D, 10th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. In fraternal association he was a Mason. Mr. McCord was married ai Red Wing June 10. 1867, to Ellen M. Grannis, daughter of Sidney S. and Sarah (Howe) Grannis, whose sketch appears in this volume. To this union was born one son. Sidney <;.. November 26, 1868. He married Laura Vasburg, of Waupaca, Wis.. August 12, 1893. Of their five children, three are living and two are dead. Mary G. was born August 11, 1897. Kennel h and Catherine, twins, were born August 18, 1900, and the latter died the same day. Theodore and Robert, twins, were born November 6, 1904, and the latter died November 5, 1905. Robert W. Putnam, son of W. II. Putnam, is one of the younger men of this city whose name is already becoming asso- ciated with movements which tend toward the civic improvement of Red Wing. He is a native born son of the city, having first seen the light of day September 26, 1880. As a boy he attended first the graded and then the high schools, and in 1898-9!) worked a year in the bank of Pierce, Simmons <v. Co., later grad- uating from the state university in 1903. His first business venture away from,home was as a clerk in the Swedish American bank, of Minneapolis, one year, after which he entered the bank of Pierce, Simmons & Co., of Red Wing, as assistant cashier, becoming cashier in January, 1908. Mr. Putnam is a college fraternity man, a member of the city board of public works and also of the Commercial Club. He has been much interested in the Y. M. C. A. movement. Alfred H. Perkins, deceased, was born in Featherstone, this