Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/896

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774 HISTORY of GOODHUE COUNTY community which he had so ably served. Mrs. Palmer's brother, E. T. Halbert, "was also a prominent figure in Zmnbrota for many years. He was owner of the Zmnbrota mill and had other busi- ness holdings. He died in 1906. John J. Starz, retired farmer, of Zmnbrota village, is of German birth, his natal day being November 24, 1829. His youth and early manhood were spent in his native land, and the latter part of 1854 saw him located in Sandusky, Ohio. A year later he went to Milwaukee, Wis., and soon afterward came to Goodhue county, settling in Minneola township. On section 8, township 110. range 16. west, he purchased 160 acres. After breaking this land and bringing it under cultivation, he purchased two more quarter sections, and upon the 480 acres successfully carried on general farming until 1899. when he retired from active life, and purchased a pleasant home in Zmn- brota village, where he has since resided, enjoying the fruits of a. life of labor well spent. While in Minneola township, he served as town supervisor and as road overseer. He was also member of the school board and clerk of his school district for a long term of years. He is a good man. known for his probity and honesty. Loved by his family and respected by his friends. Mr. Starz was married September 28, 1854. at Sandusky, Ohio, to Rosena Bidlingmaier, a native of Germany, who located in San- dusky a short time before her marriage. Seven children have crowned this union with happiness. .Mary, born .March 5, 1856, is married to Henry Weiss: Louisa, born July 24. 1858, was mar- ried to Henry Bennervitz, now deceased; Louis, born* August 20, 1861, is a farmer in Pine Island township; John, born August 22. 1863, is a farmer of Minneola township; Edward H., horn September 28, 1868, Lives on the old homestead: Edith ( '.. born February 20, 1872, is the wife of Herman Kalass; Emma R.. born March 24. 1874, is married to Theodore Thoreson. The family is connected with the German Lutheran Church, and are actively* interested in its progress. Samuel B. Scott, the efficient postmaster at Zumbrota, is a native product of this county, born in Minneola township. June 18, 1870, of New York parentage. His father, Peter P. Scott married to Betsy Ann Thomas), was a harness maker by trade. The parents left New York state, where they were horn, and came to this comity in 1866, locating in Goodhue county, where they bought 160 acres of land. This the father developed, improved and increased, until he owned 340 acres, upon which he con- ducted general farming until his death. March 7. 1901. The mother died June 24. 1908. After receiving his primary edu- cation in the schools of his native township, Samuel l>. Scott attended the Zumbrota High School, and then started in business