Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/897

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 715 life for himself as a drug clerk. In 1903 he returned to the old homestead in Minneola, which he conducted until 1903, making a specialty of raising thoroughbred short-h,orn cattle. He made a careful study of the dairy business and in June, 1901, was appointed a member of the State Dairy and F I Commission, serving until February, 1905. Three years Later he was ap- pointed to his present position as postmaster. Under his admin- istration the growth of business in the office has been steady and its efficiency lias been greatly increased. .Mr. Scott has taken an active interest in the civic military and industrial progress of Zumbrota and .Minneola. He has served as town clerk, and as school clerk, and was one of the organizers of the Zumbrota Clay Manufacturing Company, early in 1908. He is a Republican in polities and a popular member of the Masons, the Elks, the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen. With ('. L. St ion, he helped to organize Company D, Third Minnesota National Guard, of which he was a member for seven years. Mr. Scott was married in June 29, 1892, at Zumbrota, to Emma Barteau, daughter of David and Joana Willet) Barteau. natives of New York state, who came to Zumbrota in 1873 and engaged in the hardware business. The father died in August, 1908, and the mother lives with the Scott family. The fruits of this union are five children — Sumner, born October 23, 1896; Kenneth ^X.. born April 10, 1897; Lester, born Deeember 30, 1900; Sidney B., born in June, 1903, and Russell B., born September 14. 1906. Sidney B. died in April, 1904. H. B. Powers, now deceased, the first white settler of Pine Island, was born in Buffalo.. X. Y., January 31, 1836, and went to Pennsylvania in 1852, settling in Wisconsin a short time later. In October, 1854, he came to this comity and preempted 160 acres on section 31, built a cabin and lived two years, later moving on to section 30. He operated the first mill in Pine Island for Haggard and Howard, the firm later becoming Leroy and Powers. In 1858 the business was sold fo J. A. Tarbox. In 1864 he moved to Roseoe township and there remained until August 1879, when he came to Zumbrota and engaged in the meat business with Jacob Closner, under the firm name of Powers and Closner. After several years %lr. Closner retired and Mr. Powers continued the business with his son. George B., until 1894, when he retired. In 1901 he moved to Mora. Kanabec county, and purchased eighty acres of land, where he lived until his death, March 31. 1905. His wife is still living in Mora with a daughter, Mrs. Charles C. Rogers. Mr. Powers was married in 1856 to Mary E. Miller, born in Pennsylvania, February 28, 1838. To this union were born seven children — Flora Ann. born May 25. 1857, is now the wife of Charles ('.'Rogers, of