Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/898

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776 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Mora^ Minn. She has the distinction of being the first white person born within the township limits of Pine Island. George B. ? born in May, 1859. is in Mora. Minn: James Clark, born July 6, 1861, is a grain merchant of Hallock, Minn.; Alice M., born July 29, 1868, is the wife of Charles E. Kolbe, of Mason City, Iowa ; Frank E., born December 16, 1872, works on the '"Soo" line; Mark H. is assistant cashier of the First State Bank, of Zumbrota ; "William K. is dead. Mark H. Powers, of Zumbrota village, was born in Roscoe township, this county. February 4. 1876, and attended the schools of his neighborhood, afterward taking a course in the Zumbrota High School. His first regular employment was as assistant to Dr. P. A. Bereman, of Zumbrota. Subsequently he worked three years as mechanic in the Adams Iron Mine, of Kveleth, Minn., and then entered the shipping department of the Oreggs, Cooper & Company, of St. Pan!. In June, 1905, he returned to Zumbrota and accepted & position as assistant cashier of the Security State Bank, in which capacity lie re- mained two years. A similar office was then offered him in the First State Bank, where he has since remained, winning friends among all those with whom In s in contact. Mr. Powers was married September 22. 1903, ;il Zumbrota, to Mayme McWaters, daughter of James and Esther McWaters, of this place. One child has blessed this union — Kathleen C horn July 10. 1901. Mr. Powers is ;i Republican in politics and is now serving his second term .is tillage recorder. His popularity is shown by Hie fact that he is captain of Company D, Third Infantry, Minnesota National Guard. As a charter member of the Zumbrota Lodge. No. 178, Knights of Pythias, he has always been prominent in its councils and as a .Mason he is highly esteemd. The family faith is that of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Geoge Person, at one time proprietor of the Zumbrota Electric Light plant, came of old Green Mountain stock, having been born in Vermont, December 4. 1831, son of Samuel and Eebecca (Stoddard) Person, both natives of New England. The father, a clothier by trade, brought his family to Zumbrota in the fifties, and here remained until his death. March 13, 1896. His widow survived until January 20, 1906. Subsequent w, re- ceiving his education in Brattleboro. Vt.. George Person came to Zumbrota with his parents, and started his career as a black- smith, erecting the first smithy in the village. Some years later he engaged in the hardware business, and afterward pur- chased the Zumbrota Electric Light plant, which he conducted until 1906. when he sold out and retired, enjoying the well- earned fruits of a life of labor, until his death, June 7, 1907.