Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/899

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HISTORY <>|- GOODHUE I 01 TY 771 Mr. Person was Republican in polities, and a member of the United Workmen. His religious duties were performed a1 the Baptist Church, lie was married August 25, 1864, at La Crosse, Wis., to .Mrs. .Mary A. Elliott, daughter of Edward and Caroline McLintoc) Boyles, of Thomaston, Maine. Her father origi- nally conducted a bakery but in the latter years of his life took up hotel keeping, lie died in Bangor. .Maine, in 1861, his wife having died in Thomaston, .Maine, in 1859. To Mr. and Mrs. George Person were born three children — Abbie A., horn Sep tember 21, 1867, married John Stanerson, now of Minot, X. D.: Edward S., born March 4. 1^72. was president of the First State Bank, of Zumbrota, twelve years. He is now president of a bank at Minot. Minn, N. D. He was for some time captain of Company B, of Zumbrota, then became major in the Third regi- ment, Minnesota National Guards and is now captain of National Guard company at Minot. Charles F., born August 15, 1875, died June 4. 1898. By her marriage to James A. Elliott, Mrs. Person had one son, George, born June 4, 1860, and died in August, 1890. Ralph C. Nickerson, veterinary surgeon, of Zumbrota, is a native of "Wisconsin, born in Cambria, Columbia county, Decem- ber 27, 1859. His parents, Seth and Sarah R. (Clifford) Nicker- son, natives of New York state, removed to Wisconsin in 1845, the father being a blacksmith by trade. From 1863 until 1877, the family lived at Concord, Dodge county, this state, and then came to Zumbrota. The mother died October 25, 1897, and the father, who retired from active practice of his trade in 1890, lives with his son, Ralph C. The subject of this sketch was edu- cated in the common schools and in the "Wesleyan Methodist Seminary at "Wasioja, Minn., as w T ell as in the Zumbrota High School. He clerked in a store for a time, but his love for horses soon lead him to the race track, which he followed until 1899, when he entered the Western Veterinary College, at Kansas City, graduating in 1901. He at once opened an office in Zumbrota, where he has met with marked success, and built up a large and profitable practice. In addition to the pursuits mentioned above, Mr. Nickerson was proprietor of a government star mail route from July 1, 1879, to December, 1881. In 1884 he took a trip to the state of "Washington, returning the following year. On his trip home he drove seventy-eight horses from Cheney, Wash., to Bozeman, Mont., thence brought them to St. Paul by rail, and from there drove them to Zumbrota where he sold them. Mr. Nickerson w T as married December 31, 1878, at Zumbrota, to Kate C. Chaffee, daughter of I. M. and Emily F. (Roan) Chaffee, the former of whom was a native of Connecticut and the latter of England. They came to Zumbrota in the early days, Mr. Chaffee