Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/983

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 845 John Rebrud, Roseoe township, was born in Cherry Grove township, March 31, 1861, son of Ole and Ingerbor Rebrud, na- tives of Norway, who emigrated to America in 1850 and came to Dane county, Wisconsin, where the father worked at various labor, remaining two years. In 1852 they came to Minnesota, and bought 80 acres of land in Cherry Grove township, which they cleared and farmed until in 1869. when they sold this farm and purchased 200 acres in Roseoe township, broke and im- proved the land, built a home and other out buildings, and car- ried on general and diversified farming, also stock raising. In 1896 the father retired from active life, and enjoyed the benefits of his labors until he died on December 21, 1901, the mother hav- ing passed away April 16, of the same year. John received his education in the public schools and took up farming at home until 1886, when he went to North Dakota, and remained for five years, engaged in farming. In 1891 he sold his farm, and en- tered the general mercantile business, at White Earth, which he conducted until 1896, when he sold his business and returned to Roseoe township, and assumed the management of his father's farm of 200 acres, which he has since conducted, carrying on general and diversified farming and stock raising. He was mar- ried in April 1909, to Mary Moe, daughter of John and Ingerbor Moe, of Zumbrota, natives of Norway, where the father was a ship-builder. Mr. Rebrud is a Republican, and has served on the school board and as town supervisor for a number of years. He and his wife attend the Lutheran church society. Gustav L. Hastad, who resides on a splendid farm in section 5, Roseoe township, was born on the farm where he now resides, March 19, 1868. He was brought up on a farm, acquiring rugged health and such education as the district schools afforded, work- ing with his father until 1890, when he took charge of the home place. Being a hard worker and of a progressive turn of mind, he has made many improvements, erecting a new house and barns, and carrying on farming along the latest approved methods. Since casting his first ballot he has consistently voted the Republican ticket. November 8, 1888, he was married to Mattie Hjalpdahl, daughter of John and Eli Hjalpdahl, natives of Norway. Mr. and Mrs. Hastad attend the Lutheran church. Lawrence and Gertrude Hastad, parents of Gustav L., came to America in 1865 from Norway, their native country and located in "Wanamingo township. The following year they purchased the present homestead, breaking and improving the land and erect- ing a suitable residence. The mother died May 30, 1906 and the father now makes his home with the subject of this sketch, be- ing an honored and venerable citizen of the community. Carl J. Davidson, of Roseoe township, son of David and