Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/984

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846 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Johanna (Hasted) Davidson, was born in Wanamingo township Xovember 12, 1867. He received his education in the public school of the township, and assisted his father in the work on the farm until in 1895, when he purchased 120 acres of land in Roscoe township. This farm he improved, built a large barn 60x38, and other out buildings, and has recently completed a modern home well furnished throughout. All this land is under cultivation, and he carries on general and diversified farming, and stock raising. He has also added 80 acres more to his farm, making a total of 200 acres. He was married March 4, 1890 to Ingerborg A. Osteros. daughter of Ole and Elizabeth (Hasted) Osteros, of Roscoe township, natives of Norway, who came to America in 1872, direct to Roscoe township, where they pur- chased 40 acres of land and engaged in general farming. Both parents are now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson have been blessed with six children: Ella J., Lillian C, Gitta E., Dorthena ().. Lynn L. and David J., all living at home. Mr. Davidson is Republican in politics. He and his family attend the Norwegian Lutheran church. Albert A. Erstad, of Roscoe township, son of Andrew and Oline (Johnson i Erstad, was born in Minneola township. August 16, 1866. His parents were natives of Norway, and came to this country, in 1854, locating in Iowa where they remained a year, after which they came to Minnesota and purchased a home- stead of 160 acres of wild land in Minneola township, which the father improved and cultivated, built a home, and carried on general farming and stock raising. In 1877 the mother died and the father married again. He died in 1908 and his widow is living in Minneola on the homestead. Albert A. received his education in the public schools of Minneola and remained on the farm, working with his father until 1896. He then bought 80 acres of his father in Roscoe township, and engaged in farming for himself. Here he built a home and improved the land. In December 30, 1896 he was married to Karen Lunde, daughter of Bernt and Inger (Goplin) Lunde, natives of Norway, who came to this country, in 1866, locating at Roscoe, remaining two years, then went to the pineries, where they lived until 1871. They then returned to Roscoe township and bought 40 acres of wild land, increasing this to 340 acres gradually. They have carried on a general line of farming until recently, when they retired and rented the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Erstad have two children: Winfred A., born November 16, 1897 and Nora Borghild, born June 8, 1907. Mr. Erstad is a Republican in his politics and has been road overseer. He and his family are members of the Nor- wegian Lutheran church. Albert Finstuen, of Roscoe township, son of Peter P. and