Page:History of Greece Vol III.djvu/12

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ia CONTENTS. etc. Early Ionic festival at Delos ; crowded and wealthy. Its decline About 560 B. c. causes thereof. Homeric Hymn to the Dclian Apollo evidence as to early Ionic life. War between Chalkis and Eretria in early times extensive alliances of each. Commerce and colonies of Chalkis and Eretria Euboic scale of money and weight. Three differ- ent Grecian scales JEginean, Euboic, and Attic their ratio to each other 163-172 CHAPTER XIII. ASIATIC IONIAN8. Twelve Ionic cities in Asia. Legendary event called the Ionic migration. Emigrants to these cities diverse Greeks. Great differences of dialect among the twelve cities. Ionic cities really founded by different migrations. Consequences of the mixture of inhabitants in these colo- nies more activity more instability. Mobility ascribed to the Ionic race as compared with the Doric arises from this cause. Ionic cities in Asia mixed with indigenous inhabitants. Worship of Apollo and Artemis existed on the Asiatic coast prior to the Greek emigrants adopted by them. Pan-Ionic festival and Amphiktyony on the promon- tory of Mykale. Situation of Miletus of the other Ionic cities. Territories interspersed with Asiatic villages. Magnesia on the Msean- der Magnesia on Mount Sipylus. Ephesus Androklus the (Ekist first settlement and distribution. Increase and acquisitions of Ephesus. Kolophon. its origin and history. Temple of Apollo at Klarus, near Kolophon its legends. Lebcdus, Teos, Klazomenae, etc. Internal distribution of the inhabitants of Teos. Erythne and Chios. Klazo- mense Phokcea. Smyrna 172-189 CHAPTER XIV. >EOLIC GREEKS IN ASIA. Twelve cities of JEollc Greeks. Their situation eleven near together on the Elaeitic gulf. Legendary JEolic migration. Kyme the earliest as well as the most powerful of the twelve. Magnesia ad Sypilum. Lesbos. Early inhabitants of Lesbos before the jEolians. ^olic es- tablishments in the region of Mount Ida. Continental settlements of Lesbos and Tencdos. Ante-Hellenic inhabitants in the region of Mount Ida Mysians and Teukrians. Tcukrians of Gergis. Mitylene its political dissensions its poets. Power and merit of Pittakus. Al- kns the poet his flight from buttle. Bitter opposition of Pittakus anil Alkseus in internal politics. Pittakus is created ./Esymncte, or Dictator of Mitylene 1 90-20/