Page:History of Greece Vol III.djvu/13

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CONTENTS. Jx CHAPTER XV ASIATIC DORIANS. Asiatic Dorians their Hcxapolis. Other Dorians, not included in the Hexapolis. Exclusion of Halikarnassus from the Hexapolis. 201-203 CHAPTER XVI. NATIVES OF ASIA MINOR WITH WHOM THE GREEKS 15ECAME CONNECTED. Indigenous nations of Asia Minor Homeric geography. Features of the country. Names and situations of the different people. Not originally aggregated into large kingdoms or cities. River Halys the ethno- graphical boundary Syro- Arabians eastward of that river. Thracian race in the north of Asia Minor. Ethnical affinities and migrations. Partial identity of legends. Phrygians. Their influence upon the early Greek colonists. Greek musical scale partly borrowed from the Phrygians. Phrygian music and worship among the Greeks in Asia Minor. Character of Phrygians. Lydians, and Mysians. Primitive Phrygian kinf' or hero Gordius Midas. . . . . 203-21 8 CHAPTER XVII. LYDIAN9. MEDES. CIMMERIANS. SCYTHIANS. Lydians their music and instruments. They and their capital Sardis un- known to Homer. Early Lydian kings. Kaiulauk's and Gyges. The Mcrmnad dynasty succeeds to the Ilcrakleid. Legend of Gyges in Plato. Feminine influence running through the legends of Asia Minor. Distribution of Lydia into two parts Lydia and Torrhebia. Pro- ceedings of Gyges. His son and successor Ardys. Assyrians and Medes. First Median king Deiokes. His history composed of Gre- cian materials, not Oriental. Phraortes Kyaxares. Siege of Nine- veh invasion of the Scythians and Cimmerians. The Cimmerians. The Scythians. Grecian settlements on the coast of the Etixine. Scyth- ia as described by Herodotus. Tribes of Scythians. Manners and worship. Scythians formidable from numbers and courage. Sarma- tians. Tribes east and north of the Palus Macotis. Tauri in the Cri- mea Massagctaj. Invasion of Asia by Scythians and Cimmerians. Cimmerians driven out of their country by the Scythians. Difficulties in the narrative of Herodotus. Cimmerians in Asia Minor. Scythians in Upper Asia. Expulsion of these Nomads, after a temporary occupa- tion. Lydian kings Sadyattes and Alvattes war against Miletus. Sacrilege committed by Alvattes oracle he makes peace with Miletus. Long reign death and sepulchre, of Alvattes. Crcesus. Ho attacks and conquers the Asiatic Greeks. Want of cooperation among